MCB Camp Lejeune wins the 2009 CinC's Award for Installation Excellence

Latest News from MCB Camp Lejeune

Public Notice: Ongoing Construction Projects

Over the next several weeks, there will be several construction projects happening aboard and adjacent to Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune in order to complete improvements to both base facilities and highway access to base.  An overview of these projects are as follows:

NC Highway 24 – Beginning Saturday, August 8, a highway re-surfacing project is scheduled to begin on NC Highway 24 from Bell Fork Rd. to the Northeast Creek Bridge just before the main gate to MCB Camp Lejeune.  Construction will occur from 8 p.m. until 5:30 a.m. to minimize effects on traffic flow.

Hadnot Point Annex and 7-Day Store Complex – Beginning Monday, August 3, the Hadnot Point Annex and 7-Day Store Complex will undergo extensive exterior maintenance.  The scope of work includes milling, demolition of existing asphalt speed bumps and curb, new asphalt speed bumps and curb, pavement overlay, pavement markings and signage.  The construction will be split into three phases of work, each of which is expected to last approximately a week.

For more information on the Hadnot Point Annex and 7-Day Store Complex project, please visit the MCCS Construction Project Web site at

Public Service Announcement: Rabies Awareness

Following an attack by a fox in Base housing last week, residents are being reminded of the following important information:

• Avoid Contact with stray or wild animals.
• Ensure your pets have up-to-date rabies vaccines.
• Don't allow your pets to run free. Follow leash laws and feed them indoors.
• If you see a stray domestic or wild animal showing strange or aggressive behavior, report it to the Military Police Desk Sergeant at (910) 451-3004/3005.
• If you are bitten or attacked by a stray animal, call 911 and seek medical help immediately.

Marine NCO's take lead, prevent suicide

Sgt. Matt Lyman, Marine Corps Base

Click to watch this video.Since the inception of the Corps, sergeants have been tasked with ensuring the personal and professional development of junior Marines. The trend continues on Camp Lejeune as a Corps-wide initiative against suicide again hands the reigns to sergeants to mentor and encourage their young leathernecks to stay in the fight.

Last month, a regional master trainer team (MTT) from Headquarters' Marine Corps conducted a 3-day class to begin certifying two sergeants from every squadron and battalion sized unit on Camp Lejeune. The sergeants who graduated from the course are now charged with briefing every non-commissioned officer in their respective units about the dangers and senselessness of suicide.

According to MARADMIN 436/09, the sergeants selected for this course must have instructor experience and remain on station for at least one year after becoming certified. Additionally, following the initial train-the-trainer course identified above, one 3-day course will be conducted weekly until all designated sergeant instructors have been certified. Information regarding class location, times and seat quotas will be forwarded by the regional MTT point of contact.

Sergeants who graduate from the program are required to return to their respective units and begin training their command's NCO's and Fleet Marine Force corpsmen.





CFT will be scored, taken once a year

Sgt. Michael S. Cifuentes, Headquarters Marine Corps

ARLINGTON, Va. — Effective immediately, Marines will now run the Combat Fitness Test for score.

Gen. James T. Conway, commandant of the Marine Corps, recently approved a scoring system for the CFT and a new schedule of CFTs and Physical Fitness Tests – one CFT and one PFT a year.

The Marine Corps PFT Program order, MCO 6100.13 W/ CH 1, has been changed with the new CFT instruction and scoring system.  Marine Corps Training and Education Command also provides CFT standards, guidance and other information on their Web site

During the initial phase-in period, the CFT was pass/fail.  There are now three new passing classes based on a 300-point scoring system.  Similar to the PFT, the CFT is on a 1st, 2nd, 3rd class and fail system, under appropriate age and gender classifications.

“It was (the commandant's) original intent the CFT be pass/fail during the initial phase-in period, with migration to a scored system after a period of time,” explained Brian McGuire, TECOM's physical readiness programs officer.  “Of all the input we've received from Marines about the CFT, there was a consensus the CFT should be a scored event.  This isn't surprising knowing the competitive nature of Marines.”

Necessity for the CFT is partly based on a realization combat-related demands include a variety of movements and task done at high intensity.

“Generally speaking, the CFT places a greater premium on a Marine's anaerobic capacity and functional core strength in comparison to the PFT,” McGuire said.

McGuire added the CFT will factor into a Marine's composite score and be reflected on the fitness report.  The composite score conversion table, developed by Manpower and Reserve Affairs can be found on the TECOM Web site.



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Base Commander, Colonel Flatau

Col. Richard P. Flatau Jr., Base CO


Click here to learn more about suicide prevention resources.


Click here to take the Inspector General's survey on Sexual Assault.


Click here to learn more about Former Off-Base Surface Danger Zones.


Operation Eagle Eyes - Antiterrorism Awareness


Click here to read the current Camp Lejeune Domestic Animal Policy.


Camp Lejeune Water Study

Do you have what it takes? Visit

2008 Water Quality Reports for MCB Camp Lejeune.


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Public Affairs Office
Marine Corps Base
PSC Box 20004
Camp Lejeune, NC 28542-0004