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Updated September 2006

CCTP Strategic Plan, Final Report, Cover

U.S. Climate Change Technology Program Strategic Plan
September 2006



This chapter also is available as a PDF file.


Hardcopy versions of the full report can be ordered from the the Global Change Research Information Office online catalog.



See also:

Press release (dated 20 September 2006)


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In February 2002, President George W. Bush reorganized the overarching management structure that coordinates and directs U.S. climate change research and development activities. Under this new structure, climate change science and climate-related technology research programs are integrated to an extent not seen previously. The Climate Change Science Program (CCSP), led by the Department of Commerce, was established to reduce the uncertainties in climate science and develop science-based resources to support decision makers. The Climate Change Technology Program (CCTP), the counterpart organization to CCSP, led by the Department of Energy, was formed to coordinate the Federal Government's portfolio of climate-related technology research and development activities, including technology deployment and adoption activities, which were supported by nearly $3 billion in Fiscal Year 2006, and to focus efforts on the subset of priority activities that are part of the President's National Climate Change Technology Initiative.

The CCTP's Research and Current Activities and Technology Options for the Near and Long Term reports provided detailed looks at, and introduced the public to, an array of technologies with the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Our goal with this Strategic Plan is to provide a long-term planning context, taking into account the many uncertainties, in which the nature of both the challenges and the opportunities for advanced technologies are illuminated and balanced. Along with its short companion document, CCTP's Vision and Framework for Strategy and Planning, the Plan provides an inspiring vision of what may be possible and a basis for setting priorities for research through its technology strategies and investment criteria. It also highlights those opportunities that are ripe for advancement.

The Plan was guided by the leadership of the Cabinet-level Committee on Climate Change Science and Technology Integration and its Interagency Working Group of agency deputies. It was prepared by an interagency team of six working groups, under the direction of CCTP Deputy Director Dr. Robert C. Marlay. Experts from many different disciplines have made significant contributions to the Plan. Without their efforts, this document would not have been possible.

Further, the Plan has benefited greatly from hundreds of comments received during the public comment period following release of the draft Plan in September 2005. We have been gratified by the quantity and quality of the comments we received, which reflect the importance of the Program. We were able to accommodate most comments, but even those we did not accept challenged our thinking and made the Plan stronger. We thank all of those individuals and groups who took time to make comments. As the Plan is forward-looking, we expect that public input will be an aspect of future updates to the Plan.
Signature o0f Stephen D. Eule
Stephen D. Eule
U.S. Climate Change Technology Program

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