Security Levels


  National Threat Level: Elevated
Health, Safety & Work-Life Directorate

Office of Work-Life Programs -
Suicide Prevention Program

Emergency suicide crisis services may be accessed
24 hours a day, seven days a week via the
Employee Assistance Program toll free number (800) 222-0364.

Who is Eligible for this Program?
The Suicide Prevention program is applicable to the following members of Team Coast Guard:

Purpose of Program
The Suicide Prevention Program provides training and response to suicidal behavior with an emphasis on awareness and prevention.

Program Confidentiality
Discussions of the Suicide Prevention Program are not confidential. However every effort shall be made to ensured confidentiality of reported suicides, gestures and attempts within Coast Guard rules and regulations and the Freedom of Information Act.

Each of us in the Coast Guard should make it our individual responsibility to become aware of signs and symptoms of suicidal behavior. If you know of a friend, loved-one, co-worker, or family member that is exhibiting suicidal tendencies, bring it to the attention of someone who can help.

The following definitions apply to the Suicide Prevention Program:

Services and Resources Available
The following services and resources are available within the Suicide Prevention Program:

Emergency services

Emergency suicide crisis services may be accessed 24 hours a day, seven days a week via the Employee Assistance Program toll free number (800) 222-0364.
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is a 24-hour, toll-free suicide prevention service available to anyone in suicidal crisis. If you need help, please dial 1-800-273-TALK (8255). You will be routed to the closest possible crisis center in your area. With over 120 crisis centers across the country, our mission is to provide immediate assistance to anyone seeking mental health services. Call for yourself, or someone you care about. Your call is free and confidential.

Program References
The following reference provide details of the Critical Incident Stress Management program:

Related Web Sites
The following web sites provide information related to the Suicide Prevention Program:

Point of Contact
If you are unable to contact the Employee Assistance Program Coordinator on your Regional Work-Life Staff, or need additional assistance beyond the information provided here, please contact the Headquarters Employee Assistance Program Manager, Mr. John Reibling, CG-1112, at (202) 475-5161, Fax: (202) 475-5907 or email at

Last Modified 8/5/2008