Security Levels


  National Threat Level: Elevated
Health, Safety & Work-Life Directorate

Office of Work-Life Programs -
Food ServiceCoast Guard FS working in the galley

Who is Eligible for this Program?
The Food Service (FS) Program is available to the following members of Team Coast Guard:

Purpose of Program
The Food Service Program objective is to provide 1123 Food Service Specialists, 24 Special Command Aides, 5 Department of Homeland Security Executive Dining Facility Staff (DHSEDF), and MLC FSAT Training Teams guidance & financial policy for the successful and efficient operation of 360 Coast Guard Dining Facilities, and 15 contracted Messes. Measurement and effectiveness of the program is achieved through FS force information capturing data on advancements, retirements, attrition and unit financial solvency. Shipboard pipeline & professional development culinary training is tracked for all FSs. The program administers and provides guidance for the Coast Guard Food Service Awards and the Food Service Specialist of the Year Awards.

Related Web Sites
The following web sites provide information related to the Food Service Program:

Point of Contact
If you need additional assistance beyond the information provided here, please contact the Headquarters Food Service Program Managers:

Last Modified 8/5/2008