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Latest ESA News Releases
The Entertainment Software Association (ESA) is the U.S. association exclusively dedicated to serving the business and public affairs needs of companies that publish video and computer games for video game consoles, personal computers, and the Internet.

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*Not all readers support one-click subscriptions. Copy URL manually if needed.

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You can subscribe to Latest ESA News Releases using any "feed-aware" browser, like Firefox, Opera, Safari (Mac), and Internet Explorer 7. All of these browsers auto-discover RSS Feeds and make it easy to subscribe. So how will you know if your browser is feed aware? Look for this icon RSS Feed Icon on your PC or for Safari RSS Icon in Safari on your Mac and Opera on your PC.

You should see something like this in your browser toolbar: Internet Explorer 7 Beta V2 or Mozilla Firefox or Safari RSS (Mac)

In fact, if you look now, you will see this button if you are using one of these feed aware browsers. Click it and you can subscribe instantly to Latest ESA News Releases from within your browser.

If you don't have a feed-aware browser, get one now. We recommend Firefox for PC users and Safari RSS for Mac users. PC users can also download Opera or Internet Explorer 7.

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What is an RSS Feed?
Many websites provide feeds of their content that you can subscribe to, almost always for free. It's simply a way for you to keep up with changing content on websites without having to visit each site individually. You'll find feeds on just about any news website along with blogs and other sites with content that changes frequently.

RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. There hasn't really been a standard way to indicate the presence of a feed on a web page, although many companies are working to change this. For now, you might see any number of icons to let you know when a feed is available. Some of the most popular include: , , and . Other sites might just have text that says "subscribe", etc.

In many cases, when you click on these buttons, you are presented with a page of XML code that means little to the average user. In fact, most don't know what to do with it. New browser technology is helping to clean this process up by auto-discovering feeds and presenting a preview of the content in a more user-friendly fashion. However these browsers typically force readers to subscribe using the browser and not any of the dozens of other tools available.

This feedpass for Latest ESA News Releases uses to provide you with the easiest possible feed subscription using literally dozens of popular tools.

To learn more about RSS Feeds in general, check out the following resources:

Wikipedia RSS Description
A Non-Technical Look at Using RSS Feeds

How do you subscribe to a feed?
This feedpass subscription page makes it easy to subscribe to Latest ESA News Releases. You simply choose how you want to receive the feed. You can get it using a feed reader, sometimes called an aggregator. Or, you could choose to have daily feed updates delivered to your email. You can even just choose to view the feed and updates in your "feed-aware" browser, like Firefox (PC), Internet Explorer 7 (PC), Opera(PC), or Safari (Mac Users).

We provide easy one-click subscription icons for almost every RSS reader, email tool, or browser available today.

You can also choose to copy and paste the feed URL manually for use in any feed-aware application. To do this, just click here and then copy the feed address.

What is an RSS Reader?
These days, the most popular and powerful way to keep up with numerous RSS feeds is to use an RSS Reader, also commonly called an "aggregator". These tools allow you to organize and categorize your favorite RSS feeds and see at a glance when there are new topics that might interest you.

To learn more about popular RSS Readers, click the button next to any RSS Reader above, or check out the following links:

Wikipedia RSS Reader Description Top 10 RSS Readers

What is a tag or social bookmark?
Tagging and social bookmarking is essentially a way for users to share their favorites, or bookmarks, with others. Users can see what items are popular with other users that share similar interests. You can easily organize links and favorites for access from any computer, not just the one where the item was initially tagged. Users create keywords, called tags, to categorize the item. To learn more about tagging and social bookmarking, check out the following link:

Wikipedia Social Bookmarking and Tagging Description
