Intelligent Transportation Systems

ITSA Annual Meeting

USDOT Recognizes ICM Pioneer Sites for Their Leadership in Congestion Management

The ICM-related events kicked off with the Exhibitor Reception held on opening night at which senior leaders from the United States Department of Transportation honored the leadership of the eight ICM Pioneer Sites in pioneering new concepts in congestion management through ICM. Ms. Shelley J. Row, Director of the Department of Transportation's Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Joint Program Office (JPO); Mr. Jeff Paniati, Director of the Office of Operations for the Federal Highway Administration; and Mr. Walt Kulyk, Director of the Office of Mobility Innovation for the Federal Transit Administration presented representatives from each site with a 15" x 18" commemorative plaque featuring its key ICM partner agencies suitable for hanging in a transportation management center.


Shelley Row, Director of the ITS JPO, talks about the role of ICM in managing congestion in our nation's transportation corridors.
Shelley Row, Director of the ITS JPO, talks about the role of ICM in managing congestion in our nation's transportation corridors.

The ICM Pioneer Sites Recognition Event at the ITSA Annual Meeting draws a crowd.
The ICM Pioneer Sites Recognition Event at the ITSA Annual Meeting draws a crowd.

Each ICM Pioneer Site receives a recognition plaque featuring their key partner agencies (Oakland, CA, ICM team pictured)
Each ICM Pioneer Site receives a recognition plaque featuring their key partner agencies (Oakland, CA, ICM team pictured).

Transportation Practitioners Learn About ICM at the ICM Panel Discussion

ICM was the featured topic at the Transportation Systems Operations and Planning (TSOP) and Public Transit (PT) Forum, held Wednesday morning at the ITSA Annual Meeting. More than 100 transportation practitioners attended this interactive forum where they had the opportunity to speak with and ask questions of representatives from the ICM Pioneer Sites who shared their perspectives and experiences with the early phases of ICM concept development. Before the session and during breaks, participants had the opportunity to visit with Pioneer Site representatives at the informal Poster session just outside of the panel room. The panel focused on three ICM topics: Institutional challenges and opportunities, Technical integration, and Performance measures. Because each of the Pioneer Sites is a leader in multimodal congestion management strategies, they had valuable perspectives on elements of ICM already in place in their corridors such as transit priority and signal timing strategies. Gummada Murthy, ICM Program Manager with USDOT, emphasized that every corridor in the country is a candidate for ICM.


Gummada Murthy, USDOT ICM Program Manager, facilitates a question and answer session at the ICM Panel Discussion held during the TSOP/PT Forum at the ITSA Annual Meeting.
Gummada Murthy, USDOT ICM Program Manager, facilitates a question and answer session at the ICM Panel Discussion held during the TSOP/PT Forum at the ITSA Annual Meeting. He notes "All transportation corridors are candidates for ICM."

Attendees mingle with ICM Pioneer Site panelists during breaks.
Attendees mingle with ICM Pioneer Site panelists during breaks.

ICM Featured in the USDOT's ITS Joint Programs Office Exhibit

The Joint Program Office's ITS Booth spotlighted the USDOT's ICM Initiative on its main wall where attendees could browse fact sheets, the ICM Newsletter, the Web site, or the new ICM Knowledgebase, designed to equip practitioners around the country to implement ICM. Visitors could pull a folder and take the materials to go if they preferred. Visit the ICM Knowledgebase (available on this site) to view or print the four ICM Fact Sheets available now on the following topics: Overview of the ICM Initiative, the ICM Pioneer Sites, ICM Knowledge and Technology Transfer, and the ICM Knowledgebase.


The ITS JPO Booth features ICM with fact sheets, newsletter, and the ICM Web site and Knowledgebase.
The ITS JPO Booth features ICM with fact sheets, newsletter, and the ICM Web site and Knowledgebase.

Attendees pull fact sheets and browse the Web site and Knowledgebase.
Attendees pull fact sheets and browse the Web site and Knowledgebase.