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Instructions for Downloading
the Adobe Acrobat Reader

The complete text of the documents posted on this web site can only be accessed in the Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format. PDF (Portable Document Format) files allow us to present documents that contain graphs, charts, and graphics in one of the most accessible methods known for the web. By using the portable document format the documents can also be presented exactly like the original paper printed version.

To view the pdf documents, one must have the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on his or her own computer. The reader is free and different versions for both Windows and Macintosh can be downloaded from the Adobe Systems website. The following instructions are for Windows users.

First, check if your computer already has the Adobe Acrobat Reader preinstalled. You can do this by looking at a directory of your hard drive. If you have a directory called "Acroread" or "Acrobat3", you have the Adober Acrobat Reader. If not, you must visit the Adobe Systems Incorported website to download the reader. Instructions for Macintosh users may be found at the Adobe site. The following instructions are for Windows users.

Download and Installation Instructions

Please print these instructions and read through before proceeding.

1. If you have not done so on a previous occasion, create a temporary directory in C:\ called temp. You can do this in File Manager. You will use this directory to download the free Adobe Reader.

2. Go to the Adobe Acrobat Reader Download site and download the software by clicking on the appropriate version for your computer.

3. FOR WINDOWS 3.1 save the file called ACROREAD.EXE to C:\temp. FOR WINDOWS 95 save the file called ar32e30.exe to C:\temp. Do not rename the file. When the download finishes you will be ready to install the Adobe Acrobat Reader.

4. IN WINDOWS 3.1, when the download finishes, go to the Program Manager. Choose File|Run and run ACROREAD.EXE from C:\temp. You can then follow the installation instructions as they appear on the screen.

IN WINDOWS 95, when the download finishes, quit your browser. Choose Start|Run and then use the "Browse" option to go to C:\temp and then double click on ar32e30.exe. You can then follow the installation instructions as they appear on the screen.

Viewing Instructions

To view pdf files using the Adobe Acrobat Reader, follow these instructions.

1. Go to the report or publication that you are interested in viewing. Click on the name of the report. If your browser does not automatically start the Adobe Acrobat Reader, you will have to save the report to your C: drive. (Instructions to configure your browser to automatically initiate the Adobe Acrobat Reader follow this section.) When you click on the file you wish to read, choose the option that allows you to save the file to your computer. Pay attention to the name of the file and remember where you save it! You will have to find it later when you start the Adobe Acrobat Reader!

2. IN WINDOWS 3.1, when the file has finished downloading to your computer, go to the Program Manager, open the Adobe Acrobat program group and double click the Acrobat Reader.

IN WINDOWS 95, go to Start | Programs | Adobe Acrobat. Start the Adobe Acrobat Reader.

3. Open the pdf file that you saved to disk.

4. The Adobe Acrobat Reader will display the pdf file.

OR Follow the method described below to configure your browser to automatically start the Adobe reader so you can view the file. Configuring your browser this way helps you avoid having to save the pdf file to disk and then opening the Reader to view your file.

Configuring Netscape to automatically open the Adobe Reader

1. Run Netscape.

2. Go to Options | General Preferences | Helpers | and click "Create New Type".

3. For Mime type, type in the word "application" (no quotes). For Mime Subtype, type in the acronym "pdf" (no quotes). Click OK

4. In the Extension dialogue box, type ".pdf" (no quotes).

5. In the Action box, click "launch application".

6. In the space below and to the right of "Lauch Application," TYPE in the pathname of the Adobe Reader. You probably have it in C:\Acroread\Acroread.exe or C:\Acrobat3\Reader\AcroRd32.exe

7. Click OK at the bottom of the screen.

Configuring Microsoft Internet Explorer to automatically open the Adobe Reader

1. Run Internet Explorer.

2. Go to View | Options | Programs | Viewers and click "File Types".

3. If you don't see Adobe Acrobat Document in the scrolling list of helpers, select the "New Type" button.

4. In the Description field, type "Adobe Acrobat Document" (no quotes).

5. In the Content Type (MIME) field, type "application/pdf" (no quotes).

6. In the Default extension for Content type, type the acronym "pdf" (no quotes).

7. View the Actions list. If you see the word "Open" on the list, select it and click on Edit.
If "Open" is not on the list, select "New" and then "Browse" to find the Acrobat Reader, and select it.

8. Check the "Use DDE" box.

9. Click OK in Action Type, Edit File Type and Options dialog boxes.

10. Go to View | Options | Programs | Security. Under Active Content, make sure that download active content, enable ActiveX, run ActiveX, and enable Java programs are selected. Press Apply, then click OK.

Sources of Additional Help

1. Within the Adobe Acrobat Reader, see the Read Me file for information about system requirements, installation problems, configuring your browser and printer problems.

2. Visit the Adobe System website Adobe Acrobat

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last modified June 16, 2003