Response to AHCPR on CERTs:

Barbara A. Levey, University of California at Los Angeles
December 17, 1998

I request Centers for Education and Research on Therapeutics be designated for the development and support of clinical pharmacology programs. The discipline of clinical pharmacology bridges research, education and therapeutics across specialties, providing an excellent opportunity to enable the activities of the AHCPR demonstration project.

A clinical pharmacologist, Dr. Raymond L. Woosley, Professor and Chair of the Department of Pharmacology at Georgetown University Medical Center, proposed the establishment of Centers for Education and Research in Therapeutics in 1994. Seven NIGMS funded clinical pharmacology training programs were in place in 1997. The critical need for research and education in clinical pharmacology came to the forefront with a recent publication, which identified adverse drug reactions as the 4th-6th leading cause of hospital deaths in the United States.

I nominate seeding of innovative, deserving academic clinical pharmacology programs, together with the support of established sites of excellence in clinical pharmacology for Centers for Education and Research on Therapeutics, to assure broad representation of research topics.

Barbara A. Levey, M.D., F.A.C.P.
Assistant Vice Chancellor, Biomedical Affairs
2107D Murphy Hall
University of California at Los Angeles
Box 951405
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1405
Telephone: (310) 206-4656, (310) 206-4959
Fax: (310) 825-6028

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