1881 Hardee Ave
Fort McPherson, GA

Days open:
Monday - Friday
Hours: 0900 1700
We are CLOSED on all Federal Holidays & directed observances
Closed for training on Thursdays, 1330-1600

(404) 464- 4662
(404) 464-2531 / 4683/1728
(404) 464- 4661 / 4684/1728
DSN Prefix 367

DSN 318-430-6119
/ 6330 / 6332 / 6537

Office of the Inspector General

Our Mission:

The mission of the Inspector General's office is to enhance mission accomplishment of US Army Central's units and organizations by identifying and recommending solutions to performance inhibitors and resolving requests for assistance from Soldiers, family members and civilians of the U.S. Army Central community.


What is an Inspector General?

The Inspector General is a special staff officer of the commander, providing the commander with a sounding board for sensitive issues. The IG is an extension of the commander’s eyes, ears, and conscience. The role of the Inspector General is to determine and report on the economy, efficiency, discipline, morale, esprit de corps, readiness, and resources of the command. In other words, the Inspector General is interested in every aspect of the command. There are two categories of Inspector General:

  • Detailed and Assistant Inspector Generals are officer’s and senior NCO’s who serve tours as full-time Inspector Generals. These individuals are school trained, and wear the IG insignia.
  • Acting Inspector Generals (AIGs) are commissioned officers who perform limited IG functions. They receive complaints, but can only act on matters which are administrative in nature (e.g., pay problems).

IG Functions:

The four basic functions of the Inspector General are used to accomplish our mission. Those functions are as follows:

  • Assistance - Anyone may submit a complaint or request for assistance to an Army IG concerning matters of interest to the Army.
  • Inspection - IG’s conduct inspections at the direction of the commander. An IG inspection may focus on organizations, functions or both and may or may not be compliance oriented.
  • Investigation - IG’s only conduct investigations when directed by the commander. The investigation will focus on violations of policy or regulations. The commander may also direct an investigation into alleged mismanagement, unethical behavior, or misconduct.
  • Teaching and Training - Teaching and training is integral part of the first three functions. IG’s by their very nature possess a wealth of knowledge and experience. They use this knowledge and experience when assisting, inspecting, and investigating to teach Soldiers at all levels about policies and procedures.

Things to remember about the IG:

  • Anyone can file a complaint and/or request for assistance either orally or in writing to the IG.
  • Soldiers cannot be denied access to an IG. They do not have to go through their chain of command. They do not need permission to call or see an IG. They do need to exercise common sense and they cannot leave their place of duty without permission.
  • No retribution will be taken against a Soldier who submits a complaint to an IG, however, anyone who knowingly submits an untruthful statement to an IG can be charged under the UCMJ.

What can the IG do for Commanders?

  • IG’s can provide a great deal of assistance to commanders.
  • IG’s are linked worldwide through a technical channel and can gather information quickly and confidentially.
  • IG’s work closely with Soldier support agencies (Chaplain, JAG, Red Cross, ACS, etc.) to resolve problems. The IG can help you get started in the right direction.

What the IG does not do:

  • IG’s do not provide legal reviews or opinions - these are provided by the Staff Judge Advocate.
  • IG’s do not conduct criminal investigations - these are done by the Military Police.
  • IG’s do not direct action. We may make suggestions to commanders but commanders ultimately direct action.

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  Updated: Tuesday, June 17, 2008