Press Room

October 3, 2007

Remarks by Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson, Jr.
at the
U.S. Treasury Department’s Annual Iftaar Dinner

Washington, DC –Peace be with you. Dear friends, I enjoyed our discussions earlier this evening and now am honored that you have joined me for this Iftaar during these holiest days of the Muslim faith.

During Ramadan, Muslims reflect and remember dependence on God through fasting and prayer. It is also a time full of special devotion to family, to kindness and acts of charity.

It is an important and treasured time of year, and I think a reminder to all of us that a day spent dedicated to compassion and service is a day well-spent. This country appreciates and honors Muslims throughout America – for your friendship and contributions to our society, our economy and the enrichment of our culture.

A large part of your contributions include helping to create opportunity and prosperity for your fellow citizens. Our gathering tonight includes successful businessmen and women who innovate and create the jobs that fuel our economy, academicians who, through research and teaching, provide roadmaps and promise for the future, and those who spend the year-round in charitable work, helping those in need.

I am certain that today's meetings have been informative for all of us. We discussed U.S. capital market competitiveness, charitable giving, tax and economic policy matters, the need to stop illicit finance and the importance of trade and open investment to economic growth. We continued to build a partnership for working together on economic issues in the future.

Thank you again for coming to the Treasury Department today, and staying with us this evening. Ramadan Mubarak.
