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Deschutes Basin Mitigation Program
Five Year Evaluation
Every five years the Water Resources Commission (WRC) is required to evaluate the effectiveness of the mitigation program.  The purpose of this evaluation is to ensure that scenic waterway and instream water right flows continue to be met on at least an equivalent or more frequent basis compared to flows within a representative base period. 
The first five year evaluation of the Deschutes Mitigation Program has been completed.

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Deschutes Work Group
In 2008, the Department began evaluation of the program as required by HB 3494. By January 31, 2009, the Department is required to report to the Legislature on the implementation and operation of the Deschutes Ground Water Mitigation and Mitigation Bank programs. The report is to include:
  • The cumulative rate of water appropriated under all ground water permits approved in the Deschutes River Basin after the effective date HB 3494.
  • The volume of water, in acre-feet, provided for mitigation; and
  • The measured stream flow of the Deschutes and it major tributaries.
HB 3494 also identifies that this report may include information on the progress on restoring stream flows in the Deschutes River Basin to a point sufficient to support anadromous fish and on any statutory changes necessary to accomplish the needed stream flow restoration. HB 3494 directs the Department to consult with Deschutes River Basin water users and organizations.  The Department is to work with basin water users and organizations to seek funding for a facilitated process to develop this report and to evaluate the ground water mitigation and mitigation bank programs.
The Department would like to focus its efforts over the next year on this broader evaluation of the program which will have significant public involvement.  Based on that broader review and report to the Legislature, the Commission could give the Department direction to initiate rulemaking or take other action to address the cap and other elements of the program.
Work Group Agendas

Page updated: October 03, 2008

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