Are You an Older Driver?

Driving is More Dangerous for Older Drivers

Although relatively few deaths of older (over 55) drivers involve motor vehicles, they have higher rates of fatal crashes than all but the youngest drivers.

Why is that?

  • Older drivers do not cope as well as younger ones with complex traffic situations, and multiple-vehicle crashes at intersections increase markedly with age.
  • Older people are more susceptible than younger ones to medical complications following motor vehicle crash injuries. This means they are more likely to die from their injuries.

Are You a 55-Plus Driver?

Would you like to do a questionnaire to help you locate those areas where your physical and mental abilities call for a change in your driving habits and skills?

Check this interactive AAA quiz with results and suggestions to make you a safer driver.

Program Contact

Dick Schaffer



A Guide for Reducing Collisions Involving Older Drivers