Planning and Design

Work Zone Safety Clearinghouse

Work Zone - Safety Information Clearinghouse

The Work Zone Safety Clearinghouse is an easy-to-use information resource available to anyone who is interested in enhancing safety in work zones. The Federal Highway Administration, along with the Texas

Transportation Institute and the American Road and Transportation Builders Association, are expanding the Clearinghouse by September 2000.

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Work Zone Best Practices

Best Practices

During the first part of 1998, the Federal Highway Administration's Office of Program Quality Coordination conducted a Quality Improvement Review to identify the best practices of the FHWA and the State DOTs for enhancing safety, improving mobility, and reducing traffic congestion/delays during construction and maintenance operations.

The study's recommendations will be the foundation for future FHWA actions and programs with its partners to improve the safety and efficiency of work zones.

The Team compiled its findings into a summary report, Meeting the Customer's Needs for Mobility and Safety During Construction and Maintenance Operations - [PDF, 364 KB]. You can also read about the best practices/policies in Work Zone Best Practices Guidebook.

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Methods and Procedures to Reduce Motorist Delays in European Work Zones

Methods and Procedures to Reduce Delays in European Work Zones Report Cover

The Federal Highway Administration's Office of International Programs works to improve the technological and institutional base of highway transportation system performance and program delivery in the United States and abroad. The FHWA and the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) sponsored a scanning tour to give U.S. highway agency and contractor representatives a first-hand look at how several other countries manage traffic flow through temporary work zones.

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Program Contact

Kenneth Epstein



National Work Zone Awareness Week 2009