www.Colorado.gov, Colorado's Official Web Site
Colorado Department of Human Services: Child Care Facility Lookup
1575 Sherman St., Denver, CO 80203 | 303-866-5948


  1. What does the Colorado Child Care Facility Search do?
  2. Who do I contact if I have a problem?
  3. General Instructions
  4. How to read the Provider Summary Report

  1. What does the Colorado Child Care Facility Search do?

    The Colorado Child Care Facility Search is a service that allows you to look up child care facilities throughout Colorado. You can search for child care facilities relative to an address, zip code, county or city as well as by provider name, telephone, or number. With this application you will also be able to view detailed reports of each child care provider, and request an email or in-person file review for up to five providers.

  2. Who do I contact if I have a problem?

    If you experience an application-related issue, please contact Colorado.gov by calling (800) 970-3468 outside of Denver, or (303) 534-3468 in the Denver area. You can also email for support at support@www.colorado.gov.

    If you have a question about search results or other general child care facility questions, please contact the Colorado Department of Human Services Division of Child Care Licensing by calling: (303) 866-5948.

  3. General Instructions

    Welcome page:

    The Colorado Department of Human Services gathers information about the individuals using the site by asking them to identify themselves within the pre-determined categories. Please click the radio button that best describes you (Food Program, Legal, Media, Parent, Provider, Resource or Referral Network, Other), and enter your zip code to begin your Child Care Facility search.

    Search Page / Home:

    For a map of child care facilities in your community click on the Address, City, State, or Zip Code tab, enter the required information and click Continue.

    To look for a specific child care facility, click on the Provider Name, License Number, or Phone Number tab, enter the required information and click Continue.

    Map / Search Results:

    To expand or narrow your search results by the type and/or age ranges of the child care facility, check or uncheck the boxes directly to the left of the map.

    To perform a new search click on the Address, City, State, or Zip Code tab, enter the required information and click Continue.

    To view information on a child care provider, click on a map marker. If there is more than one facility in the same general location, the marker may instruct you to zoom in further. To do so, click on the zoom link within the bubble. For additional map tools, please see the Map Navigation Tools below.

    To view the provider history for a child care facility click on the “View Provider History” within the provider bubble.

    The Saved Provider Summaries section only appears after a provider has been saved for a file review request. To view a list of Saved Providers and to request a File Review Request click the Continue button in the Saved Provider Summaries section. To remove a provider, click on the red X next to the provider you wish to remove.

    Map Navigation Tools:

    + : This tool allows you to zoom in to view a smaller portion of the map display.

    - : This tool allows you to zoom out to view a larger portion of the map display. Please note: the further you zoom out, the more pins will occupy the same space requiring you to zoom in to view child care facilities.

    ← ↑ → ↓ : These tools pan the map display in the direction you click.

    Map (button): Displays the street view of the map.

    Satellite (button): Displays the satellite view of the map.

    Hybrid (button): Displays the satellite view of the map with the street view overlaid on top.

    Small Blue Marker: Demonstrates the location of the original search.

    Provider Summary Report:

    Use the scroll bar to navigate down the provider detail. If multiple complaints exist, the complaints will collapse by year. To expand, click on the “Expand”link next to the year you are interested in.

    To print a report click on the “Printer Friendly Version” near the top of the window.

    To save a provider for a file review request, click the “Save” button below the report. To return to your previous search results, click the “No Thank You” or “Back” buttons.

    To begin a new search, click the “Home” button.

    Comprehensive List View:

    The comprehensive list view appears when a search is done using provider name, license number, or phone number. The list view provides a map view of the facilities by clicking on “Map it.”

    To view the provider history for a child care facility click on the “View” button.

    The Saved Provider Summaries section only appears after a provider has been saved for a file review request. To view a list of Saved Providers and to request a File Review Request click the Continue button in the Saved Provider Summaries section. To remove a provider, click on the red X next to the provider you wish to remove.

    Saved Providers List:

    The Saved Providers List appears after “Continue” is clicked in the Saved Provider Summaries section. Similar to the comprehensive list view, this list provides a map view of the facilities by clicking on “Map It.” Users may also view the provider summaries by clicking the “View” button.

    Only five providers can be submitted for a file review request.

    To remove a provider, click on the red X next to the provider you wish to remove.

    Submit a File Review Request:

    To submit a file review request simply enter your first and last name, the type of review you are requesting, and your email address. You must also provide specific information about what you seeking through the file review request process.

  4. How to read the Provider Summary Report

    General Facility Information:

    Family Child Care Home facilities provide care for a maximum of 6 children from birth to 13 years of age with no more than 2 children under 2 years of age and 2 additional school age children attending full-day school.

    A Specialized Group Facility is a facility sponsored and supervised by a county department or a licensed child placement agency to provide twenty-four (24) hour care for a maximum of 12 children from 3 to 18 years of age, or for persons less than twenty-one (21) years of age who are placed by court order prior to their eighteenth birthday.

    A Child Care Centers may provide programs, which include the following types of facilities:

    • Large child care centers provide care for 16 or more children from 2½ to 16 years of age.

    • Small child care centers provide care for a maximum of 15 children from 2 to 16 years of age.

    • Infant nurseries provide care for children from 6 weeks to 18 months of age.

    • Toddler nurseries provide care for children from 12 months when walking independently to 36 months of age.

    • Preschools a part-day program for 5 or more children from 2½ to 7 years of age.

    • Kindergartens provide a program for children the year before they enter the first grade.

    • School-age child care centers provide care for 5 or more children from 5 to 16 years of age.

    Children"s Resident Camps provide twenty-four (24) hour care for children from 6 years old to 17 years of age. Campers must have completed kindergarten or be at least 6 years of age.

    Day Treatment Centers provide care for 5 or more children from 5 to 18 years of age and for those persons to 21 years old who are placed in the program by court order prior to their eighteenth birthday.

    Child Placement Agencies facilitate placement for a fee or arrange for placement of a child under the age of 18 years with any family, person, or institution for purposes of foster care, treatment, and / or adoption.

    Residential Child Care Facilities provide twenty-four (24) hour residential care and treatment for 5 or more children from 3 to 18 years of age and for those up to 21 years of who are placed by court order prior to their eighteenth birthday.

    Secure Residential Treatment Centers provide twenty-four (24) hour care and treatment in a secure setting for 5 or more children up to the age of 21 who are committed by a court to be placed in a secure facility.

    Capacity Information:

    Capacity is based on rules and is determined by amount of allowable square feet available.

    Other Conditions and Restrictions:

    These conditions and Restrictions are posted on the facility license.

    Other Information:

    There are four types of child care licenses:

    • Permanent
    • Provisional
    • Probationary
    • One-Year Time Limited

    A permanent license is granted when the Department is satisfied that the facility is in compliance with the appropriate Department rules. A permanent license remains in effect until surrendered or revoked.

    One original provisional license may be issued for a facility location. It permits a facility to operate while temporarily out of compliance with specific rules governing the facility and with proof that attempts are being made to comply with the rules.

    A probationary license may be granted to a facility or agency. A probationary license is a form of adverse licensing action.

    A one-year time limited license is granted to a child placement agency upon proof that the agency is fully in compliance with the rules. A one-year time limited license may remain in timely renewal if a renewal application is received prior to the expiration of the license.

    Risk codes:
    • One Month - Probation license.

    • Six Month - Provisional - A first time license requiring a shorter follow-up visit or a facility requiring intense technical assistance prior to adverse licensing

    • One Year (12 Month) - A 12-month license is issued due to consistent or numerous violations where observed or numerous complaints have occurred over a period of time (substantiated or unsubstantiated). This is a facility that recently moved from probationary to permanent.

    • One and One-Half Year (18 Month) - An 18 month license is issued because the facility is newly licensed or licensed for less than 3 years and is needing technical assistance.

    • Two Year (24 Month) - A 24 month license is issued because the facility is accredited, however numerous consistent violations were observed. This is a facility with minimal number of complaints.

    • Two and One Half Year (30 Month) - A 30 month license is issued because the facility had no major complaints or violations. The facility is in process of accreditation and is regularly in compliance with regulations. The facility had no current substantiated complaints and a minimal number of violations.

    • Three Year (36 Month) - A 36 month license is issued because the facility has had no complaints, rarely has had any violations, and the violations noted were related to paperwork. This is a facility that has been licensed for a long period and never had a complaint. The facility holds a national accreditation, no current substantiated complaints, and a minimal number of licensing violations.

    • Licensing Inspections:

      Licensing Inspections Types:

      Pre-Licensing Visit - is conducted upon request only prior to an original licensing visit.

      Original Licensing Visit - is completed before a license can be issued or an application denied.

      Complaint Visit - is a conducted to determine if the complaint alleging violations of licensing rules are founded or unfounded

      Renewal Visit - is conducted to determine if a licensee holding provisional or probationary license can be issued a permanent license or a one-year time limited license.

      Supervisory Visit - is routinely made to all facilities that hold a permanent license. The visit interval is determined by visit frequency code standards.

      Stage II - is conducted to determine the administrative culpability of a facility where an alleged incident of abuse/neglect has occurred.

      Change of Service Visit - is conducted to approve or deny a request to change the license.

      Follow-up Supervisory/Monitoring Visit - is conducted as a follow-up as a result of a prior visit. The purpose is to confirm compliance with violations noted at a previous visit.

      Monitoring Visit - is conducted as an in-depth monitoring of all functions and business operations of a 24-hour facility.

      Technical Assistance/Consultation Visit - is conducted to assist with the development of staff or business operations for a facility.

      Critical Incident, Accident/Injury Report Visit - a Follow-up is conducted if licensing violations are present or suspected in the context of the critical or accident/injury report.


      A complaint investigation of alleged licensing violations is made as it relates to the operations and conduct of the facility based on licensing rules. The Division of Child Care does not investigate financial, contractor other issues unrelated to the state licensing rules.

      The following is a sample chart showing the six severity levels of complaints.

      Level Category Description
      0 Child Abuse Imminent Danger To Children! These allegations are not investigated by licensing staff, but are instead investigated by the County Child Protection Agency.
      1 Very Serious An individual child or other children may be in danger.
      2 Serious Gross violation of ratios or serious physical injury have been reported.
      3 Moderate Ratio violations or Lack of supervision has been reported.
      4 Mild Complaints such as Inadequate equipment / furnishings or unlicensed care have been reported.
      5 Very Mild This may not be a licensing violation, as complaints such as poor business practices have been reported.

      Child Abuse Investigation & Licensing Follow Up

      The Division of Child Care does not conducted child abuse/neglect investigations. However, once the County investigation is complete, a licensing follow-up investigation may be conducted to determine if violations occurred that relate to the child abuse or neglect allegations.

      Adverse Licensing Action:

      The Division of Child Care may take legal actions against a facility for violations of licensing rules. The Division may deny, suspend, revoke, or make probationary the license. It also has the authority to assess fines against a facility.

      Critical Incident:

      Facilities are required to complete and submit a critical incident report or accident/injury and illness report in writing to the Division of Child Care when a child in care or a staff of the facility is involved in a critical incident or accident/injury.

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