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FCIC Media Mentions
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Wall Street Journal - August 5, 2009
Business Week - July 22, 2009
Federal News Radio 1050 AM - July 8, 2009
Hartford Courant - July 3, 2008
Federal News Radio 1050 AM - July 2, 2009

Wall St Journal logoHow to Complain About a Company

August 5, 2009

As we all know, sometimes companies don't get it right -- you order a DVD and receive a t-shirt with three wolves instead, your luggage winds up in Bangkok while you're in Birmingham, or you find two charges on your Visa bill for the same item. Here's a brief primer on how you, the consumer, can get the remedy you need.

1. Exhaust all options with the company. Most mistakes are honest ones, so hopefully speaking with customer service will set things right. Be polite but firm when dealing with customer service representatives. Anyone who has worked in customer service knows that screaming, swearing and name-calling aren't appreciated, and are occasionally tracked and noted on your customer profile.

Read more.

Business Week LogoFinancial Literacy: The Time is Now

July 22, 2009

When it comes to financial matters, Americans are functionally illiterate.

That's the growing consensus among policymakers and educators, many of whom contend that the country's lack of financial sophistication is one cause of its current economic problems.

Advocates for financial literacy are seizing on the economic crisis as an opportunity to confront the issue directly. Thanks to the recession, they're getting a response from governments, nonprofits, schools, and employers. Read more.

Federal News Radio 1050 AMFrom 'Pueblo, Colorado 81009' to USA.gov

July 8, 2009

Within the last few weeks, the General Services Administration has unveiled a new television public service announcement for one of its most popular public services: the government information web portal, USA.gov.

"It's called 'For the People'," explains Teresa Nasif, Director of the Federal Citizen Information Center , part of the Office of Citizen Services and Communications at GSA.Read more.

Hartford CourantFree Information From the Federal Citizen Information Center

July 3, 2009

Brush up on safety and travel tips with free and low-cost publications from the Federal Citizen Information Center. The Center's Summer Consumer Information Catalog features more than 200 titles including:

Handout on Health: Sports Injuries: (Item 502T, free). Summertime is a great time to get active outside. Whether you're playing kickball with the kids or joining a rec league, make sure you know how to treat and heal any bumps or bruises that you or they get while having fun outdoors. Read more.

Federal News Radio 1050 AMGSA launches photo-sharing contest for Fourth of July

July 2, 2009

In between eating hamburgers and watching fireworks on July 4 be sure to take lots of pictures.

The U.S. General Services Administration is asking Americans to upload their holiday shots to an album it has created on the photo-sharing Website Flickr.

"What says America to you?" Laura Godfrey, bilingual web content manager for USA.gov said in an interview on Federal News Radio's Federal Drive with Tom Temin and Jane Norris. "How do you celebrate this great country? What does independence mean to you?" Read more.

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