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Office of Economic Development and International Trade

Business Licensing Database

coal, metal, or non-metal


U.S. Bureau of Land Management
2850 Youngfield
Lakewood , CO   80215
Fax: (303)239-3933
FOR MINERAL EXPLORATION on Federal mineral rights: Before you can locate a claim, you must determine if the lands are, in fact, open to location. You can find this out at any BLM office.

Link:  http://www.co.blm.gov/miningfaq.htm

File a "Notice of Intent to Conduct Prospecting Operations." This is also filed with the State Division of Mines (see below) and the local County Clerk's office.
Recordation of mining claims -- location certificates for claims and sites must be recorded with BOTH the county recorder's office as well as the Colorado State Office of the BLM.

U.S. Department of Agriculture
U.S. Forest Service
740 Simms St
Golden , CO   80401
FOR MINERAL EXPLORATION on U.S. Forest lands: Must submit a "Plan of Operations Approval" with all mineral exploration done on federal lands.

Link:  http://www.fs.fed.us/geology/fs_2800-5_2005.pdf

If a bond is required, it must be furnished before approval of the plan of operations.
If previously undiscovered cultural resources (historic or prehistoric objects, artifacts, or sites) are exposed as a result of operations, those operations will not proceed until notification is received from the Agency that provisions for mitigating unforeseen impacts as required by 36 CFR 228.4(e) and 36 CFR 800 have been complied with.

Colorado Department of Natural Resources
Division of Reclamation Mining and Safety
1313 Sherman St., Rm. 215
Denver , CO   80203
Mining is highly regulated by both the federal and state governments. After the business is organized and BEFORE mining operations begin the Department of Natural Resources will provide you information about the necessary state, federal and local licenses and permits needed.
Non-coal mines are covered by the Mined Land Reclamation Act, under which the Minerals staff reviews new mine permit applications, amendments, and technical revisions to permits, permit transfers, notice of temporary cessation, and annual reports.

Link:  http://www.mining.state.co.us/dmgminreg.html

Under the Colorado Surface Coal Mining Reclamation Act, each active coal mine is inspected monthly; permit applications, permit renewals, and permit revisions are processed; and enforcement actions proceed as necessary to maintain compliance and in accordance with due process.

Link:  http://www.mining.state.co.us/dmgcoalreg.html


Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment
Air Pollution Control Division
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South
Denver , CO   80246-1530
Fax: (303)782-0278
If doing surface mining or nonmetallic mineral processing, see the Division's Small Business Assistance Guidance Documents.

Link:  http://www.cdphe.state.co.us/ap/stationarylibrary.html

Mining frequently releases emissions into the air.
If the emissions are above specified levels, Air Pollution Emission Notice (APEN) is required. $119.96 filing fee, $59.98/hr evaluation fee. Requires final approval and ongoing inspections. Annual fee based on emissions.
All manufacturers should contact the Small Business Clean Air Technical Assistance Program to determine if they are subject to APEN requirements.


Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment
Hazardous Materials & Waste Management Division
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South
Denver , CO   80246-1530
Fax: (303)759-5355
All generators of hazardous waste are required to have an "identification number" from EPA. The EPA program is administered through the Colorado Department of Health. The division can provide generators with the regulations.


Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment
Water Quality Control Division
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South
Denver , CO   80246-1530
Fax: (303)691-7702
Pollutant discharge permits required for ALL discharges into water.
If discharging into a municipal wastewater treatment facility a pre-treatment permit may be required.


Colorado Department of Revenue
1375 Sherman St
Denver , CO   80261
Purchases of machinery or machine tools and parts thereof are exempt from state sales and use tax when the machinery will be used directly in mining or other natural resource extraction within a state-designated Enterprise Zone. See FYI Sales 69, Enterprise Zone Exemption for Machinery and Machine Tools Used in Mining

Link:  http://www.revenue.state.co.us/fyi/html/sales69.html

For location of state Entreprise Zones, see

Link:  http://www.state.co.us/oed/ez/

NOTE:  If applicable, see EXPLOSIVES

page last updated 9/13/05

The Colorado Revised Statutes are available on line at You can locate a statute of interest by searching either on the citation given in the database (e.g., 18-5-307) or on a keyword or phrase.

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