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Office of Economic Development and International Trade

Business Licensing Database



Colorado Secretary of State
Bingo & Raffle Section
1700 Broadway Ste 300
DENVER , CO   80202
Fax: (303)869-4860
Bingo, raffle, etc. - $62.50 license yearly. Expires in the year it is issued on December
Percentage of gross receipts paid to the Secretary of State's office.
Only religious, charitable, educational, fraternal, or other non-profit organization defined by 12-9-105(1)(b), C.R.S. which have been in existence continuously for 5 years prior to application may conduct bingo games as a fund raising activity. Organization must have dues-paying members for the entire five-year period.
Landlords must be licensed. Game managers must be certified, and cannot have a conviction for a crime involving gaming. They must attend a class and pass a test.
Bingo Suppliers and Manufacturers must be licensed and pay a $600 fee. Their agents must pay a $160 fee.
Bingo-raffle volunteers shall not be personally liable for their acts or omissions if they are acting in good faith and within the scope of their official function and duty for a charitable organization. (13-21-115.5, C.R.S.) Volunteer members may not receive compensation.


Colorado Department of Revenue
1375 Sherman St
Denver , CO   80261
The sale of specified "equipment" to a bingo-raffle licensee is exempt from Colorado sales tax and use tax. With regard to other supplies, bingo operators are considered to be the consumers of their supplies, and organizations that operate bingo games are taxed on their supplies like other service enterprises. See FYI Sales 65, Sales Tax On Bingo Equipment.

Link:  http://www.revenue.state.co.us/fyi/html/sales65.html

page last updated 8/26/03

The Colorado Revised Statutes are available on line at You can locate a statute of interest by searching either on the citation given in the database (e.g., 18-5-307) or on a keyword or phrase.

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