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Albuquerque - Official City Website

School Field Trips - Reservation Procedures and Policies

Please note: April and May are fully booked.

The Albuquerque BioPark offers reduced rates of $1.50 for students and $3.00 for adults who are part of eligible school groups. A reservation, made at least two weeks in advance, is required to receive the discount. Eligible groups include:

  • Public and private schools in session
  • Day care centers following a preschool curriculum and have a tax ID number
  • University classes that fill out an Adult Group Request About PDF Files
  • Home schools that fax in their "Notification of Establishment of a Home School" form before making a reservation. Fax number is (505) 764-6222.

A school field trip group must consist of at least 10 students and 2 adults and must provide 1 adult chaperone for every 5 children. Day care and preschool groups may have a 1-adult-to-1-child ratio, but if the number of adults in the group exceeds the number of students, the extra adults will pay general admission. Some exceptions may be made with Special Needs and Special Education classes.

There are NO DISCOUNTS for community centers, senior centers, scout groups, summer recreation groups, church groups, group homes, large families, company groups, YMCAs, after-school groups or the like.  

Making a reservation

Payment options

Cancellation policy

BioPark members

What to expect on the day of the field trip

Group etiquette


Making a reservation

Reservations must be made at least TWO WEEKS IN ADVANCE. The Reservation Clerk takes hundreds of requests from schools all over New Mexico each month. To avoid disappointment, plan ahead.

April and May are fully booked. Call (505) 764-6272 if you would like to check for openings due to cancellations.

A reservation is not confirmed until you receive a fax or email from the BioPark Reservation Clerk.

If several classes from your school are planning to visit and pay together, submit one application for the entire group. If each class will pay separately, please fill out a separate application for each class.

  • BY PHONE: Citizens Call Center at 311 or (505) 764-6200 or the BioPark Reservation Clerk at (505) 764-6272. Have ready the following information:
    • Name of school
    • Grade level
    • Number of students and number of adults (Be sure to include teachers, chaperones and the bus driver in the number of adults.)
    • First choice of a date and an alternative date
    • Time to arrive
    • Teacher’s name (contact person)
    • Daytime phone and fax number
  • ON-LINE: Albuquerque BioPark School Field Trip Online Application
  • BY MAIL OR FAX: Fill out and mail or fax the forms below. To visit both facilities, fill out both applications. Our fax number is (505) 764-6222 and our mailing address is Field Trip Reservations, 903 Tenth Street SW, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102




Payment options

  • We accept cash, check, purchase orders or credit cards (Visa, MasterCard and American Express).
  • Payment may be made up to a week in advance of the field trip, but the person count needs to be accurate. Refunds will not be given for overpayment, and general admission prices will be required for those not covered in the original payment.
  • Payments may also be made at a ticket booth the day of the field trip. To avoid delays, get an accurate count of the number of children, adults and babies (2 and under). Bring your confirmation number with you. For each reservation, everyone must pay and enter as one group at the same time. Members arriving late will have to pay general admission prices.




Cancellation policy

Contact the Reservation Clerk at least 3 days before your visit by calling (505) 764-6272.



BioPark members

Member admissions cannot be included as part of the 5-to-1 ratio required for the school group discount.  If there are students, adults or teachers who will be entering with a membership, please mention it to the Reservation Clerk for further instructions before finalizing your reservation.



What to expect on the day of the field trip

  • Buses should drop-off and pick-up students in designated areas at each facility.
    • Buses at the Zoo: Buses should drop-off students and chaperones at the Zoo entrance, near the large pyramid. Buses should then park at the north end of the Zoo parking lot, near the intersection of Stover and 10th.
    • Buses at the Aquarium/Garden: School bus drop-off and parking is in the west parking lot of the Aquarium/Garden.
  • Once you check in or pay, you will receive wristbands to distribute to students and chaperones. These are your tickets for entry and re-entry into the BioPark.
  • School field trips are self-guided. However, there are pen-and-paper activities you can download to do while at the BioPark.
  • Chaperones are responsible for their group of five students at all times while in the BioPark. Chaperones should remain with students at all exhibits and other facilities, such as restaurants, gift shops and the parking lot.
  • Lunch and other food may be brought in, but glass is not permitted.
    • ZOO: Lunches may be brought in and eaten on Cottonwood Park, the green in front of the band shell.
    • AQUARIUM/GARDEN: Lunches may be eaten in the Plaza area or on the Festival Green in the Botanic Garden. Food and drinks are not allowed in the Aquarium.
  • The Zoo train ride is NOT included with the group rate; however, groups may pay for tickets on-site ($2 adults, $1 children) to ride the Zoo train.
  • Groups may NOT use the Tingley Train to transport students between the Zoo and the Aquarium/Garden.



Group Etiquette

Please share this information with chaperones and students. In order to ensure a safe and productive visit for you, your group and other visitors, please observe the following rules:

  • For the safety of the animals and the preservation of plant life do not throw any items, including coins, food or ice, into the exhibit areas.
  • Do not tap or pound on glass, chase birds, or otherwise harass animals.
  • Do not remove feathers from any animals or from Zoo grounds (by Federal Law).
  • Do not pick flowers, disturb plant life or allow your children or companions to do so.
  • Please keep voices low. Shouts and screams disturb animals and other visitors.
  • Do not climb on rocks, trees, other landscaping or artwork.
  • Name tags are encouraged, but please attach them with adhesive tags, not pins.

The following items are NOT ALLOWED on BioPark premises:

  • Firearms or weapons of any kind
  • Pets of any kind
  • Noisemakers, whistles, water guns, pinatas, balloons and frisbees
  • Tricycles, bicycles, scooters, skateboards, 'Heelys' and in-line skates
  • Balls of any kind, whether hard or soft, such as footballs, basketballs, baseballs, tennis balls, soccer balls beach balls
  • Grills of any kind
  • Walkman and CD players, radios or MP3 players.



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