Promoting Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety to Hispanic Audiences

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Task Order Number: SA06B030

Submitted to:

U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administration
Office of Safety Programs, HSA-20
400 Seventh Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20590

Submitted by:

Science Applications International Corporation
McLean, VA 22102

November 30, 2005

Table of Contents

Executive Summary
Quality Assurance Statement
Form DOT F1700.7
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Marketing Plan
  2.1 Audience
  2.2 Safety Issues to Include in Campaign
  2.3 Messages
  2.4 Materials/Media
  2.5 Suggested Methods of Dissemination of Materials
Appendix A Steps Taken to Develop the Marketing Plan
Appendix B FHWA/NTTSSA/Project Team Teleconference
Appendix C Preliminary Outreach Materials
Appendix D Focus Group Testing of Outreach Materials
Appendix E Revised Outreach Materials
Appendix F References

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Program Contact

Tamara Redmon


Dick Schaffer


What's New

The FHWA Safety Office is continually developing new materials to assist states, localities and citizens in improving pedestrian and bicycle safety. The materials listed on this page were completed recently.

LTAP/TTAP Interchange, Tamara Redmon

Pedestrian Forum - Summer 2009

Evaluation of the Focused Approach to Pedestrian Safety Program (PDF 225 KB)

“Not in Roadway” Pedestrian and Bicycle Crashes (PDF 132 KB)

How to Develop a Pedestrian Safety Action Plan (PDF 5.14 MB)

FHWA Guidance Memo Contains Provisions to Improve Pedestrian Safety

Toolbox of Countermeasures and Their Potential Effectiveness for Pedestrian Crashes

Pedestrian Safety Guide for Transit Agencies

Evaluation of Pedestrian Countermeasures in Three Cities: San Francisco, Las Vegas and Miami

Pedestrian Road Safety Audit Guidelines and Prompt Lists