Presidential Permits for Border Crossings

Under Executive Order 11423, as amended, the Secretary of State has the authority to receive applications for and to issue Presidential permits for the construction, connection, operation, or maintenance of certain facilities at the borders of the United States with Canada and Mexico. Permits are required for the full range of facilities at the border, including land crossings, bridges, pipelines, tunnels, conveyor belts, and tramways. This authority applies to all new border crossings and to all substantial modifications of existing crossings at the international border.

Working with federal agencies such as the Department of Transportation, the General Services Administration, the Department of Homeland Security's Bureau of Customs and Border Protection, and the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of State determines whether a proposed border-crossing project is in the U.S. national interest. The Department coordinates closely with concerned state and local agencies, and invites public comment in arriving at this determination. Within the context of appropriate border security, safety, health, and environmental requirements, the Department believes that it is generally in the national interest to facilitate the efficient movement of legitimate goods and travelers across U.S. borders.

The Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs receives permit applications for most facilities at the Canadian and Mexican borders, except:

If you plan to submit an application for a Presidential permit for Mexico, please read a detailed description of the application process and contact us via e-mail at or via phone at 202-647-9894.

If you plan to submit an application for a Presidential permit for Canada, please read a detailed description of the application process and contact us via e-mail at or via phone at 202-647-2170.

For related information, please see the Federal Highway Administration's Border Transportation Planning web site.

Public notices related to Presidential permit applications: