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CSP People and Contacts

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Site and Program Contact Info

For information about the site or program, please contact us, or call Jim Bristow at 925-296-5609.

Proposal Study Panel

The Proposal Study Panel (PSP) consists of eight members of the outside community nominated by the Collaborators' Executive Committee and approved by the JGI Director.

This committee also includes several ex-officio members (i.e., they will not contribute to the scoring) in order to advise on technical issues, especially regarding feasibility:

  1. JGI Department Head for Computational Genomics
  2. JGI Department Head for Technology Development
  3. Representatives of the JGI's finishing resources
  4. One representative from DOE program staff

This committee reviews and scores the proposals based on an objective set of specified criteria and recommends project priorities to the Scientific Advisory Committee. The Head of the PSP has a position on the Scientific Advisory Committee.

Scientific Advisory Committee

The Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) advises JGI management on issues relating to operations, resource allocation, strategic planning, etc. It is augmented for this purpose by including the Head of the Proposal Study Panel.

This committee selects and prioritizes projects, considering the evaluations of the Proposal Study Panel.