MegaBACE QC of ET Terminator Protocol

Version Number: 2
Start Production Date: 11/01/99
Author: Jamie Jett
Edited by: Susan Lucas
Reviewed by: Paul Predki

QC of ET Terminator sequencing mixture for generation of fluorescently labeled sequenced DNA.

Materials & Reagents
Materials/Reagents/EquipmentVendorStock Number
96 well Cycle Plate Robbins Scientific1055-90-0
50 mL Centrifuge Tube Falcon 2533-50
250 uL Pipet Tips Rainin RTL-250S
1000uL Pipet Tips Rainin RT-2205
aluminum foil
Stock Solutions
ET Terminator Kit (16 bottles) AmershamUS81095
pUC 19 DNA Standard(1000 ng/ul)NEB304-1L
- Forward -40M13 (250pmol/uL) GTT TTC CCA GTC ACG ACG TTG TA
- Reverse -28M13 (250pmol/uL) AGG AAA CAG CTA TGA CCA T
GIBCO_Life TechnologiesUS81095
Water (100%) Millipore Milli-Q system
ET Terminator Kit
- ET Terminator Premix
- Formamide Loading Buffer
Ammonium Acetate (7.5M solution)SigmaA2706
MJ ThermocyclerMJ Research
PE 9700 ThermocyclerPerkin Elmer
P20 PipetRainin
P200 PipetRainin
P1000 PipetRainin
Eppendorf 5810 CentrifugeEppendorf
1L Graduated cylinderVWR
200ml Graduated cylinderVWR
2L Glass Bottle (2)VWR


Preparation of ET Sequencing Mixture
1. Cover 2-liter jars with aluminum foil. Label jars with ET Kit lot #, direction, Primer #, and date

2. Add 120 mL Milli-Q water and 3.2 mL of forward primer. Mix by swirling.

3. Add 640 mL ET Sequencing Kit. Mix well by swirling.

4. Aliquot 54 mL of forward sequencing mixture into 50 mL Falcon tubes. (Label tubes with ET Kit lot #, direction, Primer #)

5. Repeat steps 1-4 for reverse primer.

QC Plate of Sequencing Mix
A puc standard plates is used to determine the quality of Sequencing Mix
1. Add 5 uL puc standard to each well of 96 well plate

2. Add 5 uL of forward sequencing mixture in wells A, B ,C, D (1-12)

3. Add 5 uL of reverse sequencing mixture in wells E, F, G, H (1-12)

4. Centrifuge plate at 600 rpm for 15 seconds.

5. Place QC plate on thermocycler. Run standard ETMB cycle sequencing protocol.

6. Follow standard sequencing protocol.

QC Determination
1. Pass Criteria: 90% Pass Rate of a readlength over 450 bases

2. If below 90% Pass:
   a) Determine if failure due to bad capillaries on Megabase sequencer. If apparent that a set of arrays is bad, sequencing mixtures pass QC.
   b) If failure can not be narrowed to Megabase arrays:
      1. Rerun same QC plate on another Megabase OR
      2. Prepare another QC plate of same sequencing mixtures. (Use same passing criteria)

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