STS-78 Mission Control Center Status Report #15 Thursday, June 27, 1996; 7 AM, CDT Life and Microgravity Spacelab experiments are continuing today as Columbia's astronauts document how space flight is affecting their minds and bodies. Work will concentrate on sessions at the Human Behavior Workstation, which measures the ability of the astronaut to respond to changes in his or her environment. The crew will also conduct investigations with the Astronaut Lung Function Experiment, to measure the effects of microgravity and heavy exercise on pulmonary capability, and the Torque Velocity Dynamometer, which measures leg muscle strength. The seven STS-78 astronauts were awakened shortly before 3 AM Central time today to the sound of "Every Breath You Take, Every Move You Make" by Police -- played in honor of the Lung Function experiment and the flight controllers in Mission Control overseeing what is expected to be the longest Shuttle flight in history. A decision by mission managers to extend the flight to 17 days for additional science will likely be made over the weekend after consultations with payload managers at the Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama and a review of Shuttle systems. Payload Commander Susan Helms is scheduled to be interviewed by KNX Radio in Los Angeles at 8:59 a.m. Central time and Commander Tom Henricks and Payload Specialist Jean-Jacques Favier will participate in an educational discussion of the mission's scientific aspects with French students at a Paris technical school at 2:39 p.m. Columbia again is orbiting with its tail to the Earth to minimize disturbance to the microgravity experiments. There are no problems being tracked aboard the oldest orbiter in the Shuttle fleet. The JSC newsroom is open around the clock throughout the STS-78 mission. *** NASA Mission Status Reports and other information are available automatically by sending an Internet electronic mail message to In the body of the message (not the subject line) users should type "subscribe" (no quotes). This will add the email address that sent the subscribe message to the news release distribution list. The system will reply with a confirmation via E-mail of each subscription. Once you have subscribed you will receive future news releases via e-mail.