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You are here: Home Albuquerque Progress Report Goal 4 - Sustainable Community Development 25 - Accessible parks 25.1 Parks and Recreation Facilities
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25.1 Parks and Recreation Facilities

Goal 4 - DCC 25 - Indicator 25.1

This indicator is part of Accessible parks.

Indicator description:

This indicator measures the number and acreage of city parks in Albuquerque and how many park acres exist per 1000 residents from fiscal years 2003 to 2007. It also measures the approximate distance residents have to travel in order to access a City park. Recreation facilities of various types are shown for Albuquerque and five other benchmark Southwest cities for fiscal year 2006.

Indicator 25_1a

Why is this indicator relevant?

Parks and recreation facilities are an important factor in the quality of life of a community, providing space for recreation and relaxation for individuals, families, and organized events. Parks should grow in number and location as the city grows and be conveniently sited with sufficient area and accessibility to meet the needs of nearby neighborhoods and communities.

Indicator 25_1b

Data Sources:
City of Albuquerque, Parks and Recreation and Planning Departments, 2003 to 2007; The Trust for Public Lands, Center for Park Excellence; U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 2003-2007.

Indicator 25_1c

What can we tell from the data?

  • City park sites, acres, and acres per 1000 residents are increasing and keeping pace with the growth of Albuquerque’s population.
  • City parks are conveniently located to residential areas. Over half of the residential lots in Albuquerque are within a quarter mile of a City park; 98% are within one mile. Only 2% of residential lots are more than a mile from a City park.
  • The number of recreation facilities in Albuquerque is consistent with five other Southwest benchmark cities. Albuquerque ranks first in the number of tennis courts per capita and second, third, or fourth in the number of other types of recreation facilities.


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