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Climate Action Plan


Working Together

Global climate change is a challenge with far-reaching implications for Albuquerque.  It is also an opportunity for our community to prosper in a sustainable manner.

Be Part of the Solution

How it Started

In the summer of 2008, Mayor Martin Chávez appointed over 60 Albuquerqueans, all volunteers, to the Climate Action Task Force. Their assignment was to design strategies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80 percent by 2050.

What is the Goal?

  • The purpose behind the Climate Action Task Force is to make recommendations that are aimed at reducing local greenhouse gas emissions.

Who Makes up the CATF?

  • The Climate Action Task Force are volunteers made up of environmentalists, engineers, scientists, business professionals, political action groups, government staff, and a wide range of expertise and opinions hopefully able to represent a cross section of the Albuquerque Demographics.
  • The Plan has been reviewed by peer groups and is now ready to be submitted to the community for broader input prior to being submitted to the City Council.

Your Input is Needed

Climate Action Plan Strategies

 Read the full proposed Climate Action Plan or select one of the sections below.

logo Business, Industry and Carbon Offset Local Food and Agriculture Icon Local Food and Agriculture
Carbon Neutral Buildings Icon Carbon Neutral Buildings Recycling and Zero Waste Icon Recycling and Zero Waste
Renewable Energy Icon Clean, Renewable Energy Social Change Icon Social Change
Livable Neighborhoods Icon Complete, Livable Neighborhoods Transportation Icon Transportation


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