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In Your Community

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Together, Albuquerque citizens can work together to protect our precious environment.

3 Things You Can Do:

  1. Purchase locally grown food from farmers markets and cooperative grocers.
  2. Volunteer to Keep Albuquerque Beautiful.
  3. Volunteer to maintain open space trails.

Sustainability - Take Action Motivated to do more?

Here's a full list of actions you can take to promote a sustainable life in Albuquerque:

Action Benefits


Energy Supply
Air Quality
Greenhouse Gas
Emission Reduction
Waste Reduction Water Supply
and Quality
Land and Wildlife
Purchase locally grown food from farmer's markets and cooperative grocers. Locally grown food creates less greenhouse gas because it isn't trucked long distances to reach your table.   Sustainability - Air Sustainability - Global Warming      
Volunteer to help Keep Albuquerque Beautiful.   Sustainability - Air   Sustainability - Waste Reduction Sustainability - Water Sustainability - Land and Wildlife
Volunteer to maintain open space trails. Read more >>       Sustainability - Waste Reduction Sustainability - Water Sustainability - Land and Wildlife
Organize a litter cleanup effort in your neighborhood.       Sustainability - Waste Reduction Sustainability - Water Sustainability - Land and Wildlife
Join the Mayor's Anti-Litter Initiative.       Sustainability - Waste Reduction Sustainability - Water Sustainability - Land and Wildlife
Clean up animal waste and dispose of it properly to keep your neighborhood free of bacteria and parasites. Read more >>       Sustainability - Waste Reduction Sustainability - Water  
Adopt a park. Read more >>       Sustainability - Waste Reduction Sustainability - Water Sustainability - Land and Wildlife
Tell your friends and family about global warming, sustainability, and the Albuquerque Green Guide.       Sustainability - Waste Reduction Sustainability - Water Sustainability - Land and Wildlife

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