Articles and Papers

These articles have been compiled by state of Colorado personnel. They address all manner of cyber security topics from policy related matters through technical how-to instructions. IT staff statewide can contribute articles to this page for publication by emailing them in Microsoft Word format to If approved they will be published on this page. The Office of the CISO reserves the right to edit for content and grammar. A template for submission can be found here.

Office of Cyber Security, August 2008

A firewall is a software program or hardware device that filters the inbound and outbound traffic between your network or computer and the Internet. Firewalls add a layer of protection by blocking unauthorized and potentially dangerous data from entering your computer or network. Firewalls are especially critical for users who have an ¿always on¿ connection to the Internet.


Office of Cyber Security, June 2008

Although the term "breach" refers to the loss of sensitive data, a more insidious effect could be for the attacker to manipulate data.  Perhaps making small, seemingly insignificant changes to random bits of data -- which could have far reaching effects and be a horrible mess to reconcile.  Colorado is one of those 42 states with data breach laws.  6-1-716 CRS can be found here.



Office of Cyber Security, 23 May 2008

With major data breaches being reported all too frequently, organizations are now placing increased emphasis on security of personal, private and sensitive information.  One method of increasing security is through data encryption.



NY State Cyber Security Topics

New York State Cyber Security and Critical Infrastructure Coordination working group, 11 Apr 2008
A practical guide to home and home office cyber security

Office of Cyber Security, 1 Dec 2007

The number of people doing their shopping online continues to increase, especially during the holiday season. While online shopping may provide benefits for consumers, there are also risks that you must understand.

Office of Cyber Security, 1 Jul 2007

The issue of telecommuting is increasingly popular due in part to the potential of improved workforce capabilities. This edition of Cyber Security Tips is not advocating for or against telecommuting; however, if a State agency decides to implement telecommuting, there are specific steps that should be considered to address security.

Office of Cyber Security, 1 May 2007

This month's Tip will help you understand what unintended disclosure means and how serious the issue is. It will also outline how your organization's protected information can become exposed, how you can respond to such an incident, and how you can help prevent such incidents from occurring.

Office of Cyber Security, 1 Apr 2007

P2P allows computer users, utilizing the same P2P software, to connect with each other and directly access files from one another's computer hard drives. Although the concept of file sharing seems benign, this newsletter outlines the risks associated with P2P.

Office of Cyber Security, 1 Mar 2007

How do you safeguard sensitive/confidential data? The manner of protection often depends on what kind of data you are safeguarding, how important or sensitive it is to you, to your organization or your customers.  The following tips will help you become aware of how to protect data both at work and at home.


Office of Cyber Security, 1 Feb 2007

Many computer users, especially those who travel for business, rely on laptops and PDAs because they are small and easily transported. But while these characteristics make them popular and convenient, they are also easily lost or ideal target for thieves.

Office of Cyber Security, 1 Jan 2007

In an effort to educate our citizens and protect our youth from this growing trend, the Colorado Office of Cyber Security and the MS-ISAC offer this tip from the US-CERT on how to identify and protect yourself and your children from cyberbullies.

Office of Cyber Security, 1 Nov 2006

The Internet is always open -- seven days a week, 24 hours a day -- and bargains can be numerous online. With a click of a mouse, you can buy an airline ticket, book a hotel, send flowers to a friend, or purchase your favorite fashions. The following tips can help you stay secure while doing your shopping online.

Office of Cyber Security, 1 Oct 2006

In recognition of Cyber Security Awareness Month, this edition of Cyber Security Tips is designed to remind people of the TOP 10 simple, easy, and basic things that everyone can and should do to protect their computer systems.

Office of Cyber Security, 1 Sep 2006

When you visit a web site, a certain amount of information is automatically sent to the site. This newsletter shows you how much.