Erie County Government - Official website of the Erie County, NY Government

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Government of Erie County, New York

Our mission is to provide cost effective, customer oriented, environmentally conscious wastewater service that protects public health and enhances our natural environment.

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Welcome to the EC DSM web site!

The Erie County Division of Sewerage Management (DSM) welcomes you to our newly designed webpage. It is our hope that you can easily navigate throughout the webpage to find information.

The DSM's role in this community is to safeguard the environment and our rate payers through the effective and efficient collection and treatment of sanitary wastewater. A core focus of the DSM is operation and maintenance of seven wastewater treatment facilities, 100 pumping stations, five overflow retention facilities, and approximately 1,000 miles of gravity sewer pipe and force mains. We continuously research initiatives that have been put into practice and found successful by innovative wastewater service providers throughout the world for the efficient and effective operation of their assets.

One such initiative is our Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). This program ensures that we pursue the right projects, at the right time, for the right price. The DSM plans to spend $150 million over the next 15-20 years on projects that will assure the health of our community's greatest assets; Lake Erie and the Niagara River. Please visit the Construction tab for a more detailed explanation of our CIP program.

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Applying for a connection permit?

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Interested in construction in your area?

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