United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Homeless Veterans

The National Center on Homelessness Among Veterans

“….to promote recovery oriented care for Veterans who are homeless or at-risk for homelessness.

The Center’s Cores

The Center will be established as an integrated organizational model consisting of the following Cores:

  • Administrative
  • Policy Analysis
  • Model Development / Implementation
  • Education / Dissemination
  • Research

Administrative Core: to guide implementation of priorities and the relevant activities of the Center that support its mission by;

  • Promoting organizational and administrative alignment;
  • Coordinating the Center’s integrated cores;
  • Facilitating communication among the Center’s investigators, community providers, VA and non-VA educators, and Office of Mental Health Services.  

Policy Analysis Core: to promote the development of policy and practice and provide guidance and consultation on:

  • Existing and proposed statutes;
  • Regulations and directives;
  • Other VA and non-VA policies as it relates to homeless services.

Model Development / Implementation Core: to support implementation of relevant research findings into clinical practice and develop and or evaluate practical, empirically-suggested care options through:

  • Promoting model development;
  • Providing technical assistance;
  • Offering seed projects funding;
  • Collaborating with leading experts.

Education / Dissemination Core: to disseminate evidence-based / emerging best practices and provide education / training for VA and community partners by:

  • Developing uniform standards of care;
  • Disseminating the knowledge gained through the efforts of the Cores;
  • Designing and developing training methods that best serve and meet the needs of those groups utilizing the information.

Research / Methodology Core: to develop new empirical knowledge by conducting:

  • Evaluation and assessment of practice models and program implementation;
  • Health services research including analyses of patterns of resource utilization and access to and provision of services;
  • Practice research including process and outcome studies of individual program initiatives;
  • Population-based research including studies that provide assessments of the current scope of services and the gaps in services and resources available to Veterans.

The Center: Overview

The Center’s Mission and Goals 

The Center’s Preliminary Studies