Operations & Maintenance

The Operations and Maintenance Division (O&M) consists of nine USIBWC Field Offices located along the Rio Grande & Colorado Rivers, and a Headquarters O&M Staff. There are approximately 150 employees within the O&M Division. The O&M Division Engineer is responsible for the oversight, management and supervision of the field offices and administration of rehabilitation projects consisting of : Safety of Dams, Heavy Equipment Replacement, Facilities Renovations, and land boundary demarcation enhancements.

The functions of the field offices are flood protection, water conservation, hydrographic data collection, hydroelectric power generation, waste water treatment, water quality monitoring, international boundary demarcation and monitoring. Mission functions are accomplished through the Operation and Maintenance of the following:

  1. Levee and floodway systems
  2. International storage dams and reservoirs
  3. Hydro electric power generation plants
  4. International wastewater treatment plants
  5. River gaging stations
  6. Boundary monumentation
  7. All related structures and facilities

Field Offices
Find more information about the U.S. IBWC's project offices located throughout the border region.

Boundary Demarcation
View the latest activities that the U.S. IBWC is conducting to enhance the current demarcation of the land boundary between El Paso, TX and San Ysidro, CA.

Current Projects
View information about current projects going on throughout the border region by our O&M office

Occupational Safety & Health
View the latest information from our Occupational Safety & Health office.