AWBA - Arizona Water Banking Authority

The Arizona Water Banking Authority (AWBA; Water Bank) was established in 1996 to increase utilization of the state’s Colorado River entitlement and develop long-term storage credits for the state. AWBA stores or “banks” unused Colorado river water to be used in times of shortage to firm (or secure) water supplies for Arizona. These water supplies help to benefit municipal and industrial users and communities along the Colorado River, fulfill the water management objectives of the state, store water for use as part of water rights settlement agreements among Indian communities, and assist Nevada and California through interstate water banking. Through these mechanisms, the AWBA aids in ensuring long-term water supplies for Arizona.

Each year, the AWBA pays the delivery and storage costs to bring Colorado River water into central and southern Arizona through the Central Arizona Project canal. The water is stored underground in existing aquifers (direct recharge) or is used by irrigation districts in lieu of pumping groundwater (indirect or in-lieu recharge). For each acre-foot stored, the AWBA accrues credit that can be redeemed in the future when Arizona’s communities or neighboring states need this backup water supply.



Senator Jake Flake, ex officio member of the Arizona Water Banking Authority, passed away on June 8, 2008. The Honorable Timothy S. Bee, President of the Arizona State Senate, is now serving as an ex officio member of the Authority.

Next Meeting:  The next quarterly meeting of the Arizona Water Banking Authority Commission will be Wednesday, December 10, 2008 at 10:00 am. Meetings

The AWBA has released the 2007 Annual Report. 



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Arizona Water Banking Authority
3550 N. Central Avenue
Phoenix, Arizona 85012

Effective November 28th, 2005, our location & Driving Directions to AWBA

Phone: (602) 771-8487

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