STS-75 Mission Control Center Status Report # 24 Tuesday, March 5 -- 4 p.m. CST Columbia's astronauts had one last look at the Tethered Satellite late this morning telling flight controllers they could see both the satellite and the tether hanging beneath it. Lighting precluded a viewing opportunity during the point of closest approach between the two spacecraft, but one orbit later the crew saw and filmed TSS from a distance of about 450 nautical miles. The videotape was played back for flight controllers on the ground this afternoon. Today's pass of the satellite marks the final viewing opportunity for the seven astronauts on board Columbia. Shortly before 7 p.m. central today, Franklin Chang-Diaz, Jeff Hoffman and Claude Nicollier will participate in the final on-orbit interview for the flight. The three crew members will discuss their missions with both Univision and Telenoticias, the two largest Hispanic television networks. Wednesday morning, Commander Andy Allen will attempt to make contact with the crew of Atlantis on Launch Pad 39-B. STS-76 Commander Kevin Chilton and the crew of the next Shuttle/Mir mission will be on board Atlantis participating in a final dress rehearsal of their planned March 21 launch. Columbia continues to provide a stable platform for the continuing scientific investigations being conducted in the United States Microgravity Payload. The JSC newsroom will close at 5 p.m. and will reopen at 6 a.m. Wednesday.