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You are here: Home Albuquerque Progress Report Goal 1 - Human & Family Development 8 - Seniors age in place
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8 - Seniors age in place

Goal 1 - DCC 8 - Senior citizens live and function in optimal environments.

Poverty among Albuquerque senior citizens is average among peer cities in the Southwest. More Albuquerque seniors who require care from a relative are able to remain in their own homes.


Local Trend  LOCAL TREND:

The poverty rate among seniors in Albuquerque declined between 2002-2005, but rose in both 2006 and 2007. Poverty among seniors is now at the highest level in the past 5 years. Although more Albuqerque residents are caring for an elderly relative in 2005 than did in 2003, more of those seniors are able to remain in their own homes than previously did. Staying at home is usually considered the optimal environment for senior well being.


Albuquerque seniors experience poverty at about the same rate as many other peer Southwest cities. In 2006, Albuquerque compared more favorably with others, but for 2007 Albuquerque seniors lost ground, with more entering poverty compared to those in peer Southwest cities. Other communities are not asking their seniors the same survey questions regarding caring for an elderly relative, therefore there is no comparison data in this area.

Citizen Perception  CITIZEN PERCEPTION:

Albuquerque citizens rated this Desired Community Condition as being important and reported that progress had been made towards achieving this condition. Residents with greater income reported the community has made the most progress in this area; the relationship between the respondents' income and their opinion of progress was correlated to a statistically significant degree.


Opportunity to

Continue to Improve

Continue to Improve

  Local Trend  LOCAL TREND IS:  Mixed      Square Arrows
  National Comparison  ALBUQUERQUE, COMPARED TO OTHERS, IS:  Similar     New Equals Sign
  Citizen Perception  CITIZEN PERCEPTION COMPARED TO DATA:  Matches   Positive Local

NOTE: For help in understanding this page, see Creating a Community Report Card.

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