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Carl Von Hassler, "The Seven Cities of Cibola" Mural photos

Images of the murals in the Lobby of the KiMo Theatre

These murals on the lobby walls of the KiMo represent the mythical 'Seven Cities of Gold' searched for by Francisco Coronado during the time of the conquistadors.



For reference purposes, in this photo murals 1, 2 & 3 are out of sight behind the columns on the left.  Murals 4 & 5 are in the center, 6 is on the right.  Mural 7 is out of the picture on the right.  Mural 8 no longer exists but a small rendering of it is located on the wall above the wooden bench on the left side of this picture, opposite mural 5.  Mural 9 is out of the picture on the wall opposite mural 3 at the far left end of this picture. 

The murals are actual depictions of existing pueblos and ruins that still exist in the Southwest.

Individual mural photos.

#1  #2

1   'White House' ruin, Canyon de Chelly        2     Acoma 'Sky City' Pueblo


#3  #4

3                                                             4      Acoma 'Sky City' Pueblo


#5  #6

5                                                              6       Taos Pueblo


#7  #8 (rendering)

7   Bandelier Monument ruin                        8   Rendering of the original mural





For many years Von Hassler had a studio on the third floor of the KiMo Theatre. It was during this time that he, with the help of a few students, painted "The Seven Cities of Cibola" on the mezzanine level of the theatre lobby. He spent many years painting the Southwest, and died in Albuquerque in 1997.  Many of his works are held in private collections around the world. Two smaller canvasses titled "In the Valley" and "Winter in the Valley" are also on exhibit in the lobby.



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