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Leadership, Education & Outreach

Sustainability Awareness Training for City Staff

Mayor Chávez is committed to educating city employees about the impacts of global warming and provide access to programs that engender sustainability in the workplace. The City of Albuquerque Human Resources Department began delivering Sustainability Awareness Training in Fall 2007. During initial sessions held from October 8-12 and November 13-17, more than half of City employees participated in this valuable training.



Increasing Local Green Businesses

Mayor Chávez has made sustainable economic development a priority of his administration. This includes encouraging green businesses to locate and grow here, encouraging green practices for exisiting businesses to increase competitive advantage, and the development of clean, creative new job opportunities for the citizens of Albuquerque.


Trumbull Village Redevelopment Project Trumbull

Mayor Martin Chávez and the City are leading the way to a sustainable future in the Rio Grande Valley and beyond.

  • The City of Albuquerque has acquired 36 properties consisting of 194 units, in a contiguous two block area.
  • The properties are energy inefficient and blighted, having been constructed primarily in the 1950s through 1970s.
  • The properties are being abated of environmental hazards and demolished.
  • The City has issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) which calls for the development of a sustainable homeownership community consisting of 50 to 70 homes on the vacant 7.53 acres.
  • Fifty-one percent of the homes will be affordable to families at or below 80% of Albuquerque's median income.

    In line with the goals to a Sustainable Albuquerque, and the Albuquerque Green Program, this development and the resulting homes will be built incorporating concepts of the Build Green New Mexico Program (BGNM). The project will be required to achieve the BGNM Silver Certification Level or L.E.E.D. H Silver Certification Level and shall be in compliance with the Albuquerque Energy Conservation Code. Additional Points are available in the RFP for projects designed to BGNM Gold Level. Developers are encouraged to incorporate features into the site plan which contribute to the overall sustainability of the community.







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