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Grain, Rice and Pulses

Registration of Labs

ISO Registration of TSD Reference Laboratories

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) represents the national standards institutes and organizations of over 100 countries, including the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). The American Society of Quality, the European Standards Institute, and the Japanese Industrial Standards committee are a few of the major quality organizations that have endorsed the ISO standards, which are becoming the de facto standards across industries throughout the world.

GIPSA's Technical Services Division (TSD) has successfully met the requirements for registration its reference laboratories under the ISO 9001:2000 standard. The specific laboratories registered are CNA protein, Air Oven Moisture, and Oil Extraction.

TSD is currently working toward ISO 17025 Accreditation of its Pesticide Data Program. The ISO 17025 standard is dedicated exclusively to increasing and maintaining overall laboratory quality.


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