U.S. Census Bureau

State and Metropolitan Area Data Book

Metropolitan and Micropolitan Area Data Tables

Updates (as of February 4, 2009)

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Metropolitan Areas
B-1. Area and Population Excel [106k] PDF [130k]
B-2. Components of Population Change Excel [86k] PDF [131k]
B-3. Population by Age, Race, and Sex Excel [159k] PDF [128k]
B-4. Population Characteristics Census Excel [116k] PDF [126k]
B-5. Births, Deaths, Infant Deaths Excel [206k] PDF [131k]
B-6. Physicians, Community Hospitals, Medicare, Social Security, and SSI Excel [174k] PDF [134k]
B-7. Housing Units and Building Permits Excel [112k] PDF [136k]
B-8. Personal Income and Earnings by Industry Excel [184k] PDF [136k]
B-9. Labor Force and Private Business Establishments and Employment Excel [185k] PDF [138k]
B-10. Banking, Retail Trade, and Accommodation and Food Services Excel [127k] PDF [142k]
B-11. Government Excel [193k] PDF [138k]
Metropolitan Areas with Component Counties
C-1. Population and Population Characteristics Excel [496k] PDF [259k]
C-2. Population Characteristics and Housing Units Excel [378k] PDF [270k]
C-3. Personal Income and Earnings by Industry Excel [985k] PDF [272k]
C-4. Civilian Labor Force and Private Nonfarm Businesses Excel [633k] PDF [278k]
Micropolitan Areas
D-1. Population and Personal Income Excel [990k] PDF [199k]

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Administrative and Customer Services Division,
Statistical Compendia Branch