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Table 2. Projected Outcomes of Screening 100,000 Asymptomatic Adults for Carotid Artery Stenosisa

Variable True Prevalence of CAS = 1% True Prevalence of CAS = 5%
Patients screened, n 100,000 100,000
Patients with CAS in population, n 1,000 5,000
Positive screening test result, n
  Total 8,860 12,300
  True-positive result 940 4,700
  False-positive result 7,920 7,600
Patients sent to surgery (false-positive/true-positive), n/n
  No confirmatory test 8,860 (7,920/940) 12,300 (7,600/4,700)
  Angiography confirmation 940 (0/940) 4,700 (0/4700)
  MRA confirmation 1,685 (792/893) 5,225 (760/4,465)
Strokes caused by angiographic confirmation, n 106 148
Perioperative strokes or death caused by surgery in patients with false-positive results, n
  No confirmatory test 246 236
  Angiography confirmation 0 0
  MRA confirmation 25 24
Nonfatal myocardial infarction among patients undergoing CEA (false-positive/true-positive), n/n
  No confirmatory test 54 (48/6) 79 (49/30)
  Angiography confirmation 6 (0/6) 30 (0/30)
  MRA confirmation 10 (5/5) 34 (5/29)
Outcome events in true-positives (no or angiographic confirmation/MRA confirmation), n/n
  Medical treatment 111/105 555/527
  CEA 60/57 301/286
    Difference: events prevented by CEA 51/48 254/241
Perioperative events in false-positives (no confirmation/angiographic confirmation/MRA confirmation), n/n/n
  Medical treatment 0/0/0 0/0/0
  CEA 246/106/25 236/148/24
    Difference: events prevented by CEA 246/106/25 236/148/24
Strokes and perioperative deaths caused or prevented by CEA in false-positives and true-positives, n
  No confirmatory test 195 events caused 18 events prevented
  Angiography confirmation 55 events caused 106 events prevented
  MRA confirmation 23 events caused 217 events prevented
NNS to prevent 1 stroke over 5 years
  No confirmatory test Events caused > prevented 5,556
  Angiography confirmation Events caused > prevented 944
  MRA confirmation 4,348 461
NNS to prevent 1 disabling stroke over 5 years
  No confirmatory test Events caused > prevented 11,112
  Angiography confirmation Events caused > prevented 1,888
  MRA confirmation 8,696 922

a. Screening and confirmatory testing assumptions were as follows: 1) The screening test is carotid duplex ultrasonography, with sensitivity for CAS 60% to 99% of 0.94 and specificity of 0.92; 2) the confirmatory test is none, cerebral angiography (sensitivity and specificity, 100%), or MRA (sensitivity, 0.95; specificity, 0.90); 3) the true prevalence is 1% in the general primary care population .65 years of age and 5% in high-risk patients; 4) the stroke complication rate with angiography is 1.2%; 5) all patients with positive test results go to surgery; 6) the perioperative stroke or death rate with CEA (whether the test result was true-positive or false-positive) is 3.1% (as in the Asymptomatic Carotid Surgery Trial [ACST]); 7) the perioperative nonfatal myocardial infarction rate with CEA (whether the test result was true-positive or false-positive) is 0.6% (as in ACST); 8) "events" are all strokes and perioperative deaths 5 years after CEA; 9) the probability of an event is 11.8% for medical and 6.4% for treatment with CEA (as in ACST); 10) one half of strokes prevented are nondisabling; and 11) no benefit is received from medical or CEA treatment for patients with false-positive screening test results.
CAS = carotid artery stenosis; CEA = carotid endarterectomy; MRA = magnetic resonance angiography; NNS = number needed to screen.

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