Email Updates
IOCC Frontliners In Houston and Galveston
Everyday, IOCC helps people move from desperate circumstances to hope and economic self-sufficiency. In Russia, Romania, the Republic of Georgia and Bosnia-Herzegovina, IOCC is providing loans for small businesses, tractors and seeds for farmers, and empowering communities through capacity building with local organizations. In the Holy Land, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan, and Ethiopia, IOCC provides job skills training and job creation, school building and repair, child nutrition programs, educational training, and HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention.
How You Can Help

92% of IOCC’s resources are used for humanitarian relief and development programs.
Every dollar you give helps IOCC secure almost $7 in support from governments, foundations and other funding sources.

IOCC's Worldwide Programs
Gaza Hospitals Stretched to Capacity
The deadliest conflict in Gaza in four decades has killed hundreds and wounded thousands. IOCC has released emergency funds and is working in cooperation with other humanitarian aid organizations to deliver medical supplies and pharmaceuticals to Gaza hospitals that are stretched to capacity...
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Lebanese Summer Camps Strengthen Sense of Belonging
IOCC hosted 14 summer camps this year throughout Lebanon, promoting a culture of tolerance between youth and encouraging them to take an active role in improving their communities...
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West Bank Schools
& the Barrier
Our latest podcast from Jerusalem describes IOCC’s program to help school children affected by the West Bank Barrier.
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Ancient Faith Radio
Aid to Caucasus
The conflict between Georgia and Russia has displaced more than 100,000. IOCC is providing emergency supplies for families.
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Orthodox Christian Network
IOCC in Zimbabwe
IOCC is providing aid to the embattled people of Zimbabwe.
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Orthodox Christian Network
IOCC In Georgia Update
Baby Levan was born on August 13, but he lost his grandfather when he was killed the very next day in Kemerti, South Ossetia. Levan and his parents are staying in Tbilisi in a boarding school for blind children now a center for displaced families. “I want a home – it doesn’t matter where,” ...
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Kosovo: At The End Of The Road, Hope Is Renewed
Turning off of the modern, four-lane highway that leads to southern Serbia, our convoy of vehicles makes its way to the border between Serbia and Kosovo. We pass through the bustling town of Kosovska Mitrovica and are allowed by international security forces to cross the bridge that divides the Serbian and Albanian communities...
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Metropolitan Committee Fundraising Events
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110 West Road, Suite 360 — Baltimore, Maryland 21204 U.S.A.
Phone: (410) 243-9820 — Fax: (410) 243-9824
Toll-free donation hotline: (877) 803 IOCC (4622)
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