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Did you know?

...that CWS is helping to return more families back to their homes in New Orleans?  Watch the slideshow »

"Our dream is to make Africa a better place"--An interview with André Karamaga

Andre Karamaga
Photo: AACC

NEW YORK -- The church remains "one of the foundations of hope" in Africa, but it must never lose sight of its prophetic and reconstructive role in societies undergoing rapid change, says the newly elected general secretary of the All Africa Conference of Churches.

Speaking before members of the Church World Service-convened Africa Forum on Monday, April 20, at CWS offices in New York City, the Rev. Dr. André Karamaga said while it is true that the church, as a human institution, has its inevitable failings, it can still act as an agent of change and reconciliation. He noted that in recent months African church leaders had been called to help lower tensions between Rwanda and neighboring Congo, an effort he said had succeeded.   Read more »

Volunteers help rebuild New Orleans

Volunteers Jim Mcelroy and  Roger Vandersloot
Photo: Matt Hackworth/CWS

NEW ORLEANS - Ernie Danner hasn't been home in three years. Instead, he sleeps in a government-issued trailer propped by cinder blocks in his front yard.

"At first it's nice, but after that you feel like the walls are closing in on you," Danner, 79, said. "You just can't get outside fast enough. It's very, very tough. I’d wish this on no one."

Soon enough, Danner will be able to return home thanks in part to the efforts of a team of volunteers hammering, sawing and rebuilding as part of the Church World Service project "Neighborhood: New Orleans." Read more »

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Countdown to Copenhagen

Take the Countdown to Copenhagen pledge Help address climate change and create a greener, more just economy.  Go »


Church World Service works with partners to eradicate hunger and poverty and to promote peace and justice around the world.

Recognized as one of America's Most Efficient Charities, Church World Service has earned an A rating from the American Institute of Philanthropy
and was named one of the Top 100 Highly Rated Charities by GiveSpot.com.
