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Zimbabwe to Receive More Lifesaving Aid from AmeriCares 

AmeriCares is sending another shipment of critical aid to combat the growing cholera epidemic which has claimed more than 1,500 lives in Zimbabwe. AmeriCares is delivering 500,000 PuR® water purification sachets – enough to provide 10,000 families with enough safe drinking water for the difficult weeks to come. AmeriCares teams with Procter & Gamble to deliver PuR® in order to provide safe drinking water to communities around the world.  

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   Zimbabwe Cholera Outbreak

AmeriCares Medical Aid For Gaza Approved Update button

AmeriCares delivery of more than $1.4 million in lifesaving aid to our partner, ANERA, has been approved by the Israeli government for delivery to Gaza. Local hospitals and health care clinics will receive the current shipment of medical aid, including antibiotics, surgical supplies, pain medicines, and other basic supplies.  
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AmeriCares Delivers New Airlift of $1.2 Million in Aid to War-torn Darfur   
The people of Darfur safely received AmeriCares 11th airlift containing more than 9 tons of medicines and medical supplies. AmeriCares is one of the few humanitarian aid organizations able to deliver our airlifts directly into the Darfur region of Sudan, getting the aid to people faster and safely.  
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   Clinic in Otash Nyala Sudan woman and child
Voices from the Field

As we reflect on the 4th anniversary of the tsunami, relief worker Rachel Granger reports on her recent return to Indonesia to review AmeriCares work. »  
AmeriCares in Forbes Top Ten

AmeriCares ranks number seven on Forbes list of “America’s 200 Largest Charities" » 
AmeriCares CEO in Condé Nast Portfolio

Read an exclusive interview with AmeriCares President & CEO Curt Welling in Condé Nast  »
AmeriCares Expense Allocation - 2008

AmeriCares is approved by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501 (C) 3 tax-exempt organization, and all donations are tax deductible to the extent provided by law. AmeriCares Federal Identification Number (FIN) is 06-100-8595.
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