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Livestock and Poultry Growing Contracts

As a potential or current livestock or poultry contract grower, many things must be taken into consideration prior to signing or resigning a livestock or poultry growing agreement, contract, or marketing agreement.

The information and links contained in this page can be used as a guide prior to committing to the legal and financial obligations that a signed growing contract would require.

  • Poultry Science Association has developed a Poultry Science Resource List, which can be purchased on line. This resource provides a list of universities that have poultry related curriculum and their faculties. It also provides a list of personnel and the locations of various USDA agencies affiliated with poultry throughout the United States. It also contains a list of State poultry associations.
  • Another source of information for livestock and poultry contracting is A Farmer's Guide to Production Contracts, written by Neil D. Hamilton, an Ellis and Nelle Levitt Distinguished Professor of Law and Director, Agricultural Law Center, Drake University Law School, Des Moines, Iowa. The book may be purchased from Top Producer, 230 West Washington Square, Philadelphia, PA 19106, or you can call Top Publisher with your request at 215-829-4867.
  • When contemplating the signing of a livestock or poultry growing contract, legal and financial counsel should be sought. These professionals can assist a potential livestock producer or grower in determining whether the contract and its financial terms are in the producer's or grower's best long-term interest.


This site is not intended for use as a source of legal or accounting advice. The user of this site assumes all responsibility for use of this information. Adherence to all applicable laws and regulations, federal, state, and local, governing all aspects of doing business are the sole responsibility of the user. Additional information and resources may be found in the sites listed above. However GIPSA is not responsible for the accuracy of the content of non-GIPSA sites, nor should links to these sites be construed as our endorsement of the views contained therein.


Last updated 07/25/2007


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