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Last Updated: January 29, 2007

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You are here:Home About FTA FTA Offices & Key Personnel Brigid Hynes-Cherin: Regional Administrator for Region 2

Brigid Hynes-Cherin: Regional Administrator for Region 2

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Brigid Hynes-Cherin: Associate Administrator for Planning & EnvironmentBrigid Hynes-Cherin is the Regional Administrator for Region 2. In this position she directs the planning, grant-making and project management that supports the delivery of the annual $1.2 billion-dollar Federal Transit program to the States of New York and New Jersey, and the commuter rail programs in Connecticut.  She will also direct FTA's oversight of construction of the largest New Starts projects ever approved by FTA - the $7.4 billion Eastside Access Project, which will bring Long Island Railroad trains into a new concourse at the Grand Central Terminal, as well as development of two other major New Starts projects: construction of the brand new Second Avenue Subway line in Manhattan and construction of a new tunnel under the Hudson River to deliver New Jersey Transit trains directly to a new concourse at Penn Station.  She provides executive direction to a professional staff of 23 people responsible for grant development and program management.

Prior to becoming the Regional Administrator for Region 2, Brigid served as the Associate Administrator for Planning and Environment from August 2005 to January 2007 where she oversaw the planning and development of New Starts projects, as well as statewide and metropolitan planning and environmental assessments.  From February 2004 to August 2005 she served as the Deputy Associate Administrator for Budget and Policy.

Previously, Brigid served in the U.S. Department of Transportation as an attorney in the Office of the Secretary and the Federal Railroad Administration; as a community planner, and regional counsel for the FTA; and as regional administrator and western area director when FTA was known as the Urban Mass Transit Administration. In addition to her experience in the federal government, Brigid was the first executive director of the San Francisco County Transportation Authority, where she created the new agency and developed procedures to allocate over $700 million of flexible funding under ISTEA. Between 1999 and 2002, she was vice president for transportation planning at Parsons Transportation Group, providing advice and assistance to FTA grantees and potential grantees with regard to federal planning requirements and procedures. For many years, Brigid also served in volunteer leadership positions with the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) and the Transportation Research Board (TRB), and participated on a variety of APTA and TRB committees. She was a member of the APTA Board of Directors, and, later, a member of the APTA Business Member Board of Governors. She also served on the APTA Legislative Committee, and was a member of its Federal Regulations Subcommittee for nearly 10 years. At TRB, Brigid was chair of the Intergovernmental Relations and Policy Processes Committee, and served on a number of conference steering committees. She most recently served as Deputy Associate Administrator for Budget and Planning at FTA.

Brigid holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Business Administration with a major in Transportation, as well as a Juris Doctor degree from George Washington University.

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