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Last Updated: April 06, 2009

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You are here:Home Regional Offices Region IV American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Information

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Information

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Welcome to the FTA Region IV Recovery Act Website! Below are several links to assist with you with understanding the FTA Recovery Programs, preparing your FTA Recovery grant applications, and implementing your Recovery transit projects. Please also visit the FTA Public Website, where you can register for automatic email updates when new information about the Recovery Act is posted.

FTA ARRA Website

FTA ARRA Federal Register

FTA Region IV ARRA Grant Program and Processing Information

FTA Region IV ARRA Grant Application "Friendly Reminders"

FTA Region IV ARRA Civil Rights Information

FTA Civil Rights Technical Assistance

As of March 24, FTA has posted the program information for two of the Recovery Act Discretionary Programs: Transit Investments for Greenhouse Gas and Energy Reduction (TIGGER) program and the Tribal Transit Program.  To download the Federal Register notices, please click below. Comments for the TIGGER Program are due April 7, 2009 and the proposals for the Grant Program are due May 22, 2009. Proposals for the ARRA Tribal Transit Program are also due May 22, 2009.

FTA ARRA Greenhouse Gas and Energy Reduction Program

FTA ARRA Tribal Transit Program

As of the week of March 30, Region IV has obligated and awarded one Recovery Act grant to the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet for the Nonurbanized Areas. Several additional draft grant applications from grantees in Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee are under review and being prepared for submission to the Department of Labor. 

As a reminder, we can accept applications even while the TIP/STIP are being modified or amended and even while the certifications from the Governor are being posted. However, we cannot award the grant until all of the Federal requirements have been met; this includes the required Certifications from the Governor. When you have a complete project budget and draft application ready for review, please contact Marie Lopez at Marie.Lopez@dot.gov to have a draft grant number assigned and your grant reviewed. Critical deadlines and milestones for preparing the Formula Recovery Grants are listed below. Please refer to the website and Federal Register notice for the critical reporting deadlines. There are several different reporting requirements with different dates that are not listed below.  



February 17, 2009:         ARRA (Pub. L. 111-5) signed into law by President Obama

March 5, 2009:              Apportionment and Allocation of formula funds published in the Federal Register

May 29, 2009:               REGION IV DEADLINE FOR ACCEPTING DRAFT GRANT APPLICATIONS (first round grants); We ask that you have your complete project budgets and request a final grant number for the grant so it can be submitted to DOL by this date.

July 1, 2009:                  AgencyDeadline for getting TEAM grant number to ensure obligation within 180 days of March 5, 2009 Apportionment

July 1, 2009:                  Deadline for submitting first round grants to DOL for review

Sept. 1, 2009:                180 days from March 5, 2009, apportionment, triggering reallocation requirement

 Have general Recovery Act questions? If your questions have not been answered on the FAQ, please contact Jamie Pfister at jamie.pfister@dot.gov.

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