World Wide Web Access Statistics for KSC


Totals for Summary Period: Jan 1 1996 to Jan 31 1996

Files Transmitted During Summary Period         2603733
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period     42317603991
Average Files Transmitted Daily                   83991
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily              1365084000

Clickable Graphic Statistics by Requests:

Clickable Graphic Statistics in Bytes:

Daily Transmission Statistics

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Date
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------
 3.31  2.84   1203881455    86293 | Jan 31 1996
 3.49  3.24   1371707584    90974 | Jan 30 1996
 3.69  3.56   1504647548    96085 | Jan 29 1996
 2.72  2.90   1227362105    70930 | Jan 28 1996
 2.69  2.76   1169438457    69942 | Jan 27 1996
 3.40  3.36   1420959356    88626 | Jan 26 1996
 3.16  3.21   1356688766    82309 | Jan 25 1996
 3.11  3.09   1305878495    80895 | Jan 24 1996
 3.12  3.04   1287039212    81145 | Jan 23 1996
 2.85  2.73   1154926503    74230 | Jan 22 1996
 2.53  2.68   1134911800    65902 | Jan 21 1996
 2.64  2.88   1218648557    68772 | Jan 20 1996
 3.31  3.36   1423618944    86247 | Jan 19 1996
 3.61  3.63   1535712685    93991 | Jan 18 1996
 3.77  4.13   1746495033    98208 | Jan 17 1996
 3.76  4.13   1747951182    97954 | Jan 16 1996
 3.18  3.59   1520331242    82841 | Jan 15 1996
 2.79  3.40   1437110376    72717 | Jan 14 1996
 3.27  4.13   1746625606    85250 | Jan 13 1996
 4.45  5.56   2353977849   115880 | Jan 12 1996
 8.85  9.85   4167285520   230343 | Jan 11 1996
 5.14  4.52   1914778159   133800 | Jan 10 1996
 3.65  2.89   1224593955    95038 | Jan  9 1996
 3.01  2.27    961014031    78453 | Jan  8 1996
 1.75  1.59    673113403    45485 | Jan  7 1996
 1.73  1.61    681667102    45039 | Jan  6 1996
 2.51  2.15    909884153    65296 | Jan  5 1996
 2.46  2.10    887698649    64001 | Jan  4 1996
 2.42  2.05    866343807    63040 | Jan  3 1996
 2.24  1.68    712872558    58366 | Jan  2 1996
 1.37  1.06    450439899    35681 | Jan  1 1996

Hourly Transmission Statistics

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Time
----- ----- ------------ -------- |-----
 3.31  3.53   1491819394    86079 |  00
 2.97  3.27   1385361108    77348 |  01
 2.66  2.93   1241965652    69354 |  02
 2.53  2.62   1109640775    65764 |  03
 2.30  2.25    953089502    59925 |  04
 2.15  2.33    985971923    56093 |  05
 2.21  2.35    996061366    57599 |  06
 2.91  2.89   1224427356    75846 |  07
 3.96  3.89   1644101113   103063 |  08
 4.59  4.24   1794387621   119421 |  09
 5.22  5.16   2181598324   135993 |  10
 5.34  5.18   2193403087   139032 |  11
 5.64  5.33   2256109113   146904 |  12
 5.82  5.70   2412496137   151464 |  13
 5.91  5.61   2373259833   153959 |  14
 5.88  5.44   2302689459   153171 |  15
 5.69  5.37   2273532874   148087 |  16
 4.79  4.86   2056288004   124729 |  17
 4.25  4.47   1892434460   110653 |  18
 4.18  4.30   1819839888   108724 |  19
 4.53  4.51   1908931331   118038 |  20
 4.50  4.60   1946601010   117208 |  21
 4.65  4.80   2031325344   121018 |  22
 4.00  4.35   1842269317   104261 |  23

Total Transfers by Client Domain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Domain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
 0.03  0.05     20283490      886 | .     
 0.02  0.02      6404136      407 | ae    United Arab Emirates
 0.00  0.00       828594       73 | ag    Antigua and Barbuda
 0.00  0.00       324632        7 | ai    Anguilla
 0.00  0.00         1091        4 | am    Armenia
 0.05  0.04     18783945     1196 | ar    Argentina
 0.15  0.13     55939676     3869 | at    Austria
 0.89  0.87    367105509    23268 | au    Australia
 0.00  0.00        89494       18 | bb    Barbados
 0.21  0.20     86153298     5373 | be    Belgium
 0.00  0.00        73198        2 | bg    Bulgaria
 0.02  0.01      6063504      451 | bh    Bahrain
 0.01  0.00      1519679      178 | bm    Bermuda
 0.00  0.00       175982       11 | bn    Brunei Darussalam
 0.00  0.00       296303       18 | bo    Bolivia
 0.30  0.26    108738464     7925 | br    Brazil
 0.00  0.00       215230       27 | by    Belarus
 2.89  2.92   1235545545    75233 | ca    Canada
 0.39  0.34    144514663    10096 | ch    Switzerland
 0.04  0.04     14873388      934 | cl    Chile
 0.00  0.00      1211726       96 | cn    China
 0.01  0.00      1947864      169 | co    Colombia
 0.04  0.04     16798041     1024 | cr    Costa Rica
 0.00  0.00       478302       40 | cy    Cyprus
 0.08  0.07     31015056     2014 | cz    Czech Republic
 1.67  1.78    752602088    43472 | de    Germany
 0.27  0.31    132366678     7024 | dk    Denmark
 0.01  0.01      2762944      230 | do    Dominican Republic
 0.00  0.00       121259       15 | ec    Ecuador
 0.01  0.01      2961505      220 | ee    Estonia
 0.00  0.00       604554        6 | eg    Egypt
 0.00  0.00       530884       33 | ep    
 0.12  0.11     45716724     3198 | es    Spain
 0.50  0.54    230503022    13108 | fi    Finland
 0.00  0.00        97897       20 | fj    Fiji
 0.00  0.00       698706       35 | fo    Faroe Islands
 0.47  0.48    202570509    12119 | fr    France
 0.01  0.00      1622489      152 | gb    Great Britain (UK)
 0.00  0.00          290        1 | ge    Georgia
 0.00  0.00        50657        7 | gl    Greenland
 0.05  0.04     17195761     1307 | gr    Greece
 0.00  0.00       244196       41 | gu    Guam
 0.06  0.06     24445068     1506 | hk    Hong Kong
 0.00  0.00            0        0 | hq    
 0.01  0.01      5180072      349 | hr    Croatia (Hrvatska)
 0.06  0.09     36251664     1437 | hu    Hungary
 0.01  0.01      5297285      350 | id    Indonesia
 0.07  0.07     30410908     1924 | ie    Ireland
 0.18  0.22     94943563     4610 | il    Israel
 0.00  0.00      1912685       75 | in    India
 0.04  0.04     18018030      977 | is    Iceland
 0.69  0.78    330952199    17939 | it    Italy
 0.00  0.00       122650       18 | jm    Jamaica
 7.18  9.54   4038086762   186991 | jp    Japan
 0.00  0.00        47874        2 | ke    Kenya
 0.13  0.24    101526858     3500 | kr    Korea (South)
 0.00  0.00       811365       76 | kw    Kuwait
 0.00  0.00       558653       23 | ky    Cayman Islands
 0.00  0.00       515572        9 | lc    Saint Lucia
 0.00  0.00       174579       30 | li    Liechtenstein
 0.00  0.00       401783       29 | lt    Lithuania
 0.02  0.02      7856176      539 | lu    Luxembourg
 0.01  0.01      2187943      356 | lv    Latvia
 0.00  0.00       329000       27 | ma    Morocco
 0.00  0.00        31779        2 | mo    Macau
 0.01  0.01      3914455      196 | mt    Malta
 0.12  0.14     60076312     3180 | mx    Mexico
 0.07  0.07     28313744     1937 | my    Malaysia
 0.00  0.00      1168331       82 | ni    Nicaragua
 0.59  0.66    281057223    15365 | nl    Netherlands
 0.42  0.42    179486161    11047 | no    Norway
 0.11  0.10     40698939     2836 | nz    New Zealand (Aotearoa)
 0.00  0.00       248250       27 | pa    Panama
 0.00  0.00      1667378      119 | pe    Peru
 0.00  0.01      3628202      119 | ph    Philippines
 0.12  0.12     52506922     3029 | pl    Poland
 0.07  0.08     33348292     1833 | pt    Portugal
 0.00  0.00       877662       52 | ro    Romania
 0.02  0.01      6156806      454 | ru    Russian Federation
 1.18  1.29    546436618    30751 | se    Sweden
 0.06  0.05     22066537     1562 | sg    Singapore
 0.08  0.09     36073894     2132 | si    Slovenia
 0.02  0.02      7248127      599 | sk    Slovak Republic
 0.01  0.01      5485509      336 | su    USSR (former)
 0.02  0.02      7304141      463 | th    Thailand
 0.01  0.01      2923582      253 | tr    Turkey
 0.00  0.00       594714       32 | tt    Trinidad and Tobago
 0.03  0.03     12522789      752 | tw    Taiwan
 0.00  0.00       520573       44 | ua    Ukraine
 1.59  1.84    778221135    41285 | uk    United Kingdom
 0.80  0.87    367398672    20837 | us    United States
 0.03  0.03     12153447      804 | uy    Uruguay
 0.01  0.01      3200383      189 | ve    Venezuela
 0.00  0.00        49217        3 | vn    Viet Nam
 0.16  0.15     64639168     4038 | za    South Africa
 0.00  0.00            0        0 | arc   
28.05 27.82  11770794795   730400 | com   US Commercial
 0.00  0.00        84306        2 | dom   
 7.24  8.73   3693853104   188491 | edu   US Educational
 6.60  4.11   1740404729   171729 | gov   US Government
 0.00  0.01      3077872       93 | int   International
 0.00  0.00            0        0 | jpl   
 0.00  0.00            0        0 | jsc   
 0.00  0.00            0        0 | ksc   
 0.61  0.63    268620781    15806 | mil   US Military
12.60 11.92   5042426496   327984 | net   Network
 0.69  0.63    266411979    17940 | org   Non-Profit Organization
 0.00  0.00         8263        1 | pub   
 0.00  0.00            0        0 | ssc   
 0.00  0.00       110051       12 | val   
 0.08  0.16     66346039     2175 | arpa  Old style Arpanet
 0.00  0.00            0        0 | dfrc  
 0.00  0.00            0        0 | giss  
 0.00  0.00            0        0 | gsfc  
 0.00  0.00            0        0 | larc  
 0.00  0.00            0        0 | lerc  
 0.00  0.00            0        0 | msfc  
 0.00  0.00        63212        6 | pc12  
 0.00  0.00       270116       11 | pc13  
 0.00  0.00        64636       12 | pc20  
 0.00  0.00       132375        6 | pc25  
 0.00  0.00            0        0 | TOTAL 
21.88 20.55   8694854613   569633 | unresolved 

Summary by NASA Centers

             Bytes Sent  Requests   Domain
            ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
                 3738025      334 | hq    NASA Headquarters
                19458320     1176 | arc   Ames Research Center
                     849      841 | dfrc  Dryden Flight Research Center
                  240638       14 | giss  Goddard Institute for Space Studies
                   16271     4569 | gsfc  Goddard Space Flight Center
                   18329     1207 | jpl   Jet Propulsion Laboratory
                    2466     3062 | jsc   Johnson Space Center 
               314690690    54764 | ksc   Kennedy Space Center 
                      98     4532 | larc  Langley Research Center
                    4359     1802 | lerc  Lewis Research Center
                    5509      571 | msfc  Marshall Space Flight Center
                    4676      169 | ssc   Stennis Space Center
            ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
               338180230    73041 | TOTAL

Last updated: Thu, 01 Feb 1996 09:58:26 (GMT -0500)
This summary was generated by modified versions of wwwstat-1.0 and gwstat-1.12

Curator: Michael Downs (