STS-72 KSC Electronic Photo File

[Image Movie Archive]

The following electronic images depict some of the preflight , launch and landing activities associated with the Space Shuttle Mission STS-72. For other shuttle missions visit the Shuttle Countdown Image/Movie Archive Please Note: These photos are available only in electronic form. They cannot be ordered as hard-copy prints. However, you are free to transfer them locally and print them on your own printer.

Available in Low,Medium,High Resolution Contact sheets.

  1. KSC-95EC-1618 - (L,M,H) - STS-72 Payloads are being transferred to Endeavour
  2. KSC-95EC-1723 - (L,M,H) - STS-72 Crew during Crew Equipment Interface Test
  3. KSC-95EC-1726 - (L,M,H) - STS-72 Crew looking over payload bay during CEIT
  4. KSC-95EC-1727 - (L,M,H) - STS-72 MS Chiao and Barry examine payload bay
  5. KSC-95EC-1752 - (L,M,H) - STS-72 Endeavour completes slow trip to LC-39B
  6. KSC-95EC-1798 - (L,M,H) - STS-72 Crew Walkout during TCDT
  7. KSC-95EC-1803 - (L,M,H) - STS-72 Crew poses on Launch Pad 39B
  8. KSC-95EC-1807 - (L,M,H) - STS-72 Crew standing outside Endeavour at Launch Pad
  9. KSC-96EC-0101 - (L,M,H) - STS-72 Commander Brian Duffy returns to Florida
  10. KSC-96EC-0102 - (L,M,H) - STS-72 Pilot Brent W. Jett Jr. arrives in Florida
  11. KSC-96EC-0103 - (L,M,H) - STS-72 Brian Duffy and Koichi Wakata arrives in Florida
  12. KSC-96EC-0104 - (L,M,H) - STS-72 Flight crew is greeted by the Press
  13. KSC-96EC-0105 - (L,M,H) - STS-72 Crew arrived at KSC's SLF
  14. KSC-96EC-0106 - (L,M,H) - STS-72 MS Koichi Wakata greeted by Mamoru Mohri
  15. KSC-96EC-0107 - (L,M,H) - STS-72 Pilot Brent W. Jett Jr. is greeted by his wife
  16. KSC-96EC-0108 - (L,M,H) - STS-72 Crew at breakfast
  17. KSC-96EC-0116 - (L,M,H) - STS-72 Pilot Brent W. Jett Jr. suits up
  18. KSC-96EC-0117 - (L,M,H) - STS-72 Mission Specialist Winston E. Scott suits up
  19. KSC-96EC-0118 - (L,M,H) - STS-72 Mission Specialist Leroy Chiao suits up
  20. KSC-96EC-0119 - (L,M,H) - STS-72 Mission Specialist Koichi Wakata suits up
  21. KSC-96EC-0120 - (L,M,H) - STS-72 Commander Brian Duffy suits up
  22. KSC-96EC-0121 - (L,M,H) - STS-72 Mission Specialist Dr. Daniel T. Barry suits up
  23. KSC-96EC-0127 - (L,M,H) - STS-72 Crew Walkout
  24. KSC-96EC-0123 - (L,M,H) - STS-72 Preparation - RSS roll back - closeup view
  25. KSC-96EC-0124 - (L,M,H) - STS-72 Preparation - RSS roll back
  26. KSC-96EC-0125 - (L,M,H) - STS-72 Preparation - RSS roll back - panoramic view
  27. KSC-96EC-0126 - (L,M,H) - STS-72 Preparation - RSS roll back - top of pad view
  28. KSC-96EC-0128 - (L,M,H) - STS-72 Liftoff viewed from right side of Pad 39B
  29. KSC-96EC-0129 - (L,M,H) - STS-72 Liftoff viewed from left side of Pad 39B
  30. KSC-96EC-0130 - (L,M,H) - STS-72 Liftoff - closeup viewed from Pad 39B
  31. KSC-96EC-0131 - (L,M,H) - STS-72 Liftoff - closeup view after clearing tower
  32. KSC-96EC-0132 - (L,M,H) - STS-72 Liftoff viewed from across water
  33. KSC-96EC-0133 - (L,M,H) - STS-72 Liftoff viewed from aft end of Endeavour
  34. KSC-96EC-0134 - (L,M,H) - STS-72 Liftoff viewed from RSS
  35. KSC-96EC-0135 - (L,M,H) - STS-72 Liftoff viewed from scrubs
  36. KSC-96EC-0136 - (L,M,H) - STS-72 Commander Duffy enters Endeavour
  37. KSC-96EC-0137 - (L,M,H) - STS-72 Mission Specialist Barry enters Endeavour
  38. KSC-96EC-0138 - (L,M,H) - STS-72 Pilot Jett enters Endeavour
  39. KSC-96EC-0139 - (L,M,H) - STS-72 MS Leroy Chiao enters Endeavour
  40. KSC-96EC-0140 - (L,M,H) - STS-72 MS Koichi Wakata enters Endeavour
  41. KSC-96EC-0141 - (L,M,H) - STS-72 MS Winston E. Scott enters Endeavour
  42. KSC-96EC-0155 - (L,M,H) - STS-72 Night Landing Closeup (rear view)
  43. KSC-96EC-0156 - (L,M,H) - STS-72 Night Landing before touchdown (front view)
  44. KSC-96EC-0158 - (L,M,H) - STS-72 Night Landing before touchdown (side view)
  45. KSC-96EC-0159 - (L,M,H) - STS-72 Landing Main Gear Touchdown (side view)
  46. KSC-96EC-0160 - (L,M,H) - STS-72 Night Landing (rear view)
  47. KSC-96EC-0161 - (L,M,H) - STS-72 Night Landing - Drag Chute Deploy
  48. KSC-96EC-0162 - (L,M,H) - STS-72 Crew group photo after landing on Runway 15
  49. KSC-96EC-0163 - (L,M,H) - Jay Honeycutt visits with STS-72 crew after landing

DISCLAIMER: These photographs are available for preview and download in electronic digital color form ONLY. They are a cropped or some other electronically processed version of an original NASA negative and cannot be ordered from NASA in photograph form. No copyright protection is asserted for these photographs. If a recognizable person appears in this photograph, use for commercial purposes may infringe a right of privacy or publicity. It may not be used to state or imply the endorsement by NASA of a commercial product. (See NASA Copyright Notice)

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Photos By: National Aeronautics and Space Administration (taken by Bionetics)
Scanned By: J.Dumoulin, T.Nguyen, E.Cody and M.Downs NASA Payload Operations
Captions: Paula Shawa ( / SHER-10
Curator: Jim Dumoulin ( / NASA
Last Updated: Thursday August 31 09:32:00 EDT 2000 (J.Dumoulin/E.Cody/T.Nguyen)

A service of NASA/Kennedy Space Center Public Affairs Office, Joe Gordon, Jr., Director (