SEARCH RESULTS: Processing...please be patient.
SEARCH RESULTS: 645 records returned
Page: of 33   Records per page:
Acronym Definition Added/Updated
H&R Hoisting and rigging  06/30/2000
H&RWC Hazardous and radiological waste control  06/30/2000
H&S Health and safety  06/30/2000
H&V Heating and ventilation  06/30/2000
H/X Moderator to fissile material (ratio)  06/30/2000
H2K HANDI 2000  06/30/2000
HA Hazard Analysis  06/30/2000
HA Hazards assessment  06/30/2000
HA Hydrotechnique Association  06/30/2000
HA* (OBSOLETE) Hanford Operations Office  06/30/2000
HA* (OBSOLETE) Hanford Site  06/30/2000
HAB Hanford Advisory Board  08/16/2000
HACC Human-assisted computer control  06/30/2000
HACL Havard Air Cleaning Laboratory  06/30/2000
HAD Health assessment document  06/30/2000
HAFB Holloman Air Force Base  06/30/2000
HAFM Helium accumulation fluence monitor  06/30/2000
HAI Helicopter Association International  06/30/2000
HALO High-altitude large optics  06/30/2000
HAMIS Hanford Nuclear Inventory System  06/30/2000