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Help With A Federal Agency

One of the most important things I do as a U.S. Representative is help people who live in the 22nd District with federal problems. Although I cannot override the decisions made by a federal agency, I can often intervene on a person’s behalf to answer questions, find solutions, or just cut through the red tape. Please contact our District Office for immediate assistance at 561-544-6910. 

Regardless of which agency you need help with, I need a completed privacy authorization form to comply with the provisions of the Privacy Act.

Please click here for a printable version of the privacy authorization form and then fax or mail to the address listed under the agency from which you are seeking assistance.

The following information explains what my office can do, provides answers to questions in each issue area (Veterans, Social Security, etc) that constituents have the most and explains the process my office follows to open a case on your behalf.


What Can My Office Do?

Constituents will sometimes ask that I expedite their applications for services or benefits. While my office is able to obtain information regarding the status of a constituent's application or claim, I can't order an agency to move one person's application ahead of others who also have been waiting. However, if an emergency situation develops, I will communicate the circumstances to the agency and request that the agency take the appropriate action.

Occasionally, a constituent will request that I use my influence as a Member of Congress to overturn a decision made by a federal agency. I would be happy to assist constituents by forwarding information to the appropriate sources for consideration during the adjudication process. However, a congressional office does not have the authority to instruct a federal agency to approve or deny an application. The claim/case will be decided on its own merits and according to applicable law.

Agencies and Issue Areas

  • Veterans
    Problems with veterans benefits, eligibility determinations, VA health care and replacements of medals earned.
  • Social Security
    Social Security benefits and eligibility, missing checks and disabilityclaims.
  • Medicare
    Eligibility questions, benefit explanations and how to file Medicare claims
  • Passports
    Where to obtain a passport and what is needed to apply, as well as foreign travel warnings from the State Department
  • Citizenship and Immigration
    How to apply for naturalization and checking the status of an application
  • Military and Federal Employment
    How to get copies of military records, correction of records and assistance with retirees' health care; How to find jobs with the federal government
  • Internal Revenue Service
    Assistance with the Earned Income Tax Credit and assistance with resolving disputes with the IRS
  • Federal Grants and Funding Assistance
    A listing of federal grant sources, resources for small businesses and appropriate websites.
  • Education Loans and Grants
    Where and how to apply for federal education loans and grants for college.

Process: Who to Contact and What You Need

In order to open a case on your behalf , I need a signed letter or privacy release form from you, giving permission to look into your case. Due to the Privacy Act of 1974, no inquiries can be made without such written consent. As such, an e-mail will not suffice as a release. A written signature must be given.

Download the Adobe Version of the privacy release form or send a letter to our District Office (address below) that includes the following information:

Full Name
Daytime Telephone
Evening Telephone Number
Date of Birth
Social Security Number
VA Claim Number of Alien Resident Number (if applicable)
Complete description of the problem or question
A sentence asking Representative Ron Klein to assist you with your concern

Constituent Liaison
1900 Glades Road, Suite 260
Boca Raton, FL 33431


In order for me to help you, you must be a resident of the 22nd Congressional District. If you are not a resident of the 22nd District, please contact your representative in Congress, and he or she will be able to help you.

Privacy Authorization Form ( 03/16/09 11:55 AM PST )