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JGI Strategic Management Group

This group is responsible for strategic planning, formulation, and direction of programs and projects to enhance the JGI’s preeminence as a national resource. Members report to the JGI Director.

JGI Director: The Director provides scientific and managerial guidance for all aspects of the JGI. This includes responsibilities toward the JGI internal scientific programs, the affiliated DOE National Laboratories, the Laboratory Science Program (LSP), and external collaborations. The Director ensures the highest quality operational effectiveness of production sequencing, provides health and safety oversight at the JGI, and plans for the development of future capabilities. Responsibilities include strategic planning and ensuring program excellence. The Director represents the JGI to its various funding agencies, acts as a principal advisor to the Department of Energy biology programs, and represents the Joint Genome Institute at national and international forums.

Deputy Director of Programs:  The Deputy Director for Scientific Programs provides direction, leadership, and oversight for all JGI scientific programs, including the Evolutionary Genomics, Genomic Technologies, Genetic Analysis, Computational Genomics, Microbial Ecology, Microbial Genome Analysis, and Computational Genomics Programs. In addition, the Deputy is responsible for oversight and administration of the Community Sequencing Program. He or she is also responsible for formulation and implementation of scientific policy, engaging in interactions with the scientific community at large, and oversight of JGI sequencing services and user issues.

Deputy Director for Business Operations and Production: The Deputy Director for Business Operations and Production reports to the JGI Director and is responsible for leading and managing the Production Sequencing, Informatics, and Operations Departments at the JGI. He ensures the highest quality operational effectiveness utilizing strong business management skills and coordinates with the Deputy Director of Programs to facilitate efficient production and operational processes. He provides leadership for the activities of multiple departments and oversight and direction of the safety group and Environmental Health and Safety efforts. The Deputy Director is expected to elevate the JGI to dominance in high-throughput genomic data generation through strategic planning for production sequencing, informatics and operational efficiencies. He implements management directives to enhance the credibility and stature of the JGI as a preeminent national genomic resource and represents the JGI to internal and external organizations. He is expected to make significant contributions and provide strong leadership and clear direction to accomplish the JGI mission.

Informatics Department Head:  The Informatics Department Head provides leadership for and directs all activities of JGI’s Informatics Department, which includes both production and research and development elements.  The Department Head provides intellectual and technological leadership for computer-oriented activities in a variety of functions, including computational science, data management, software and web development, and systems administration. He or she is responsible for defining, assessing, communicating, and implementing JGI’s informatics infrastructure plan.  The Department Head has broad latitude in planning and scheduling work to meet JGI informatics goals and objectives, including the formulation and direction of informatics projects to enhance the JGI’s informatics infrastructure. The Department Head interacts with the JGI Director and senior managers, DOE and UC representatives, and outside vendors.

Operations Department Head:  The Operations Department Head provides oversight and leadership of JGI operations infrastructure, including space and facilities, finance and procurement, human resources, and administrative activities. The Operations head supports and acts on behalf of the JGI Director in day-to-day management and planning related to the JGI's infrastructure and business functions. He or she acts as a resource and provides advice and counsel regarding current DOE, national laboratory, and UC policies and procedures that have an impact on management of the JGI. This manager makes decisions or final recommendations on operational issues. The Operations Department Head also acts as liaison/spokesperson and represents the JGI to DOE, external agencies, industrial contacts, participating national laboratories, and other organizations with regard to JGI administrative and financial management, facilities, environmental health and safety, and business issues.

Sequencing Department Head: The Production Sequencing Department Head provides direction and leadership for the Production Sequencing efforts at the JGI. This person manages the various processes of high-throughput DNA sequencing, including quantity, cost efficiency, and quality of output. Providing overall leadership for a large and diverse department of technical staff, the Department Head ensures the efficiency and successful flow of the sequencing process. This manager evaluates and adopts new technical advances. He or she interacts with Strategic Management, DOE Office of Biological and Environmental Research staff, vendors, and collaborators and represents the JGI to other scientists. The work entails coordinating the efforts of production staff with those of other JGI departments, including technical R&D and informatics efforts.

Microbial Genomics Department Head: The Microbial Genomics Department Head serves as the JGI primary point of contact for the BER Microbial Sequencing Program. In addition, he or she is responsible for cultivating major microbial initiatives and developing high-impact, DOE-mission-related projects to address such challenges, including environmental waste cleanup, clean energy production, and carbon sequestration. Additional responsibilities include promoting, developing, and managing microbial project partnerships, representing JGI in high-profile scientific meetings, and coordinating JGI microbial users meetings and jamborees.

Computational Genomics Department Head: The Computational Genomics Department Head oversees the development of new analytical tools and data management systems that transform the raw data produced by the JGI into biologically valuable information and insights. These tools are designed to facilitate the use of JGI data by the biological community. This work is essential for managing and visualizing the expanding body of genome-scale data and linking it to functional and phenotypic information generated at the JGI and elsewhere.

Genomic Technologies Department Head : The Genomic Technologies Department Head serves as the JGI’s primary point of contact for new genomic technologies. This group is also involved in all projects seeking to identify genetic variation within a given species. In addition, scientific research is being conducted to derive biological insights into sequence data being generated by the JGI. One current area of focus is the assessment and utilization of new DNA sequencing technologies to capture genetic diversity as well as to aid in genome assemblies. Additional duties include interacting with users seeking to exploit new genomic technologies and providing vision for future technical JGI directions and scientific publications.