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For the relief of Inna Hecker Grade. (Introduced in House)

HR 2971 IH


1st Session

H. R. 2971

For the relief of Inna Hecker Grade.


September 25, 2001

Mr. ENGEL introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary


For the relief of Inna Hecker Grade.

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


    Notwithstanding any other provision of law, copyright is hereby granted to Inna Hecker Grade and her successors and assigns in the works set forth in section 2 by Chaim Grade, including all editions in English and translations heretofore published or hereafter published by Inna Hecker Grade or her successors or assigns, for a term of 50 years from June 26, 1982 (the date of death of Chaim Grade). The copyright owner shall be entitled to all rights and remedies provided to copyright owners generally by law, except that no liability shall attach under this Act for lawful uses made or acts done before the date of enactment of this Act in connection with such works, or in respect to the continuance for one year subsequent to such date of any business undertaking or enterprise lawfully undertaken before such date involving expenditure or contractual obligation in connection with the exploitation, production, reproduction, or circulation of such works.


    The following works of Chaim Grade (including lectures and essays) are covered by section 1:

      (1) `Yo' (`Yes');

      (2) `Musarnikes' (`Mussarists');

      (3) `Dojrois' (`Generations');

      (4) `Oyf di Hurves' (`On the Ruins');

      (5) `Pleitim' (`Refugees');

      (6) `Farvoksene Vegn' (`Overgrown Paths');

      (7) `Der Mames Tzavoe' (`The Mother's Will');

      (8) `Shayn fun Farloshene Shtern' (`Shine of the Extinguished Stars');

      (9) `Mayn Krig Mit Hersh Rassayner' (`My Quarrel with Hersh Rassayner');

      (10) `Yerushalaim shel Maylah, Yerushalaim shel Matah' (`The Heavenly Jerusalem and the Earthly Jerusalem');

      (11) `Hurbin';

      (12) `Vilna', with 5 major parts entitled:

        (A) `Vilna';

        (B) `Di Shank' (`The Tavern');

        (C) `Der Ger-Tzadik' (`The Convert');

        (D) `Di Hiter fun der Shtot' (`The Guardians of the City');

        (E) `Unter di Gevelbte Toyern' (`Beneath the Vaulted Gates');

      (13) `Talmidei-Hahomin in der Lite' (`Talmudic Scholars in Lithuania');

      (14) `Oyf Mayn Veg Tzu Dir'; (On My Way to You);

      (15) `Dos Alte Hoyz' (`The Old House'), alternate titles are:

        (A) `Zin un Tahter' (`Sons and Daughters');

        (B) `Der Beth-Horav' (`The Rabbi's House');

      (16) `Fun Unter der Erd' (`From Beneath the Ground'), the title of the first version is `Froyen fun Ghetto' (`Women of the Ghetto');

      (17) `Yury Goresha', a part of the novel `From Beneath the Ground';

      (18) `Alte Boherim' (`The Bachelors');

      (19) `In Gerangl mitn Malah' (`Wrestling with the Angel'), subtitle is `Lieder un Elegyes' (`Poems and Elegies'); Collected Poems, 1932-82;

      (20) `Chaim Nachman Bialik';

      (21) `H. Leivik, der Poet fun Laydn un Goyrl' (`H. Leivik, The Poet of Suffering and Fate');

      (22) `H. Leivik in Mayn Lehn and Shafn' (`H. Leivik in my Life and my Works)';

      (23) `Itzik Manger, der Poet fun Shaynkayt un Shpil' (`Itzik Manger, the Poet of Beauty and Play);

      (24) `Dray Yiddishe Classiker, Mendele, I.L. Peretz, Sholem-Alaychem' (Three Yiddish Classics, Mendel, I.L. Peretz, Sholem-Alaychem);

      (25) `Anski, der Maskl, Revolutioner un Baal Tshuvah' (`Anski, the Champion of Enlightenment, the Revolutionary and the Penitent');

      (26) `Problemen fun a Yiddishen Shrayber un Problemen fun der Yiddisher Literatur' (`Problems of a Yiddish Writer and Problems of the Yiddish Literature');

      (27) `Mayn Veg in der Yiddisher Literature' (`My Path in the Yiddish Literature');

      (28) `I.L. Peretz';

      (29) `Mayn Bagegenish mit Sovetishe Yiddisher Shrayber' (`My Encounter with the Soviet Yiddish Writers');

      (30) `Dray Dramatishe Poemen--`Di Goldene Kayt' `Der Goylem', Der Dybbuk', (`Three Dramatic Poems--`The Golden Chain', `The Goylem', `The Dybbuk');

      (31) `Dray Hoybt Motiven in Mayn Shaffung' (`Three Mayn Motives in My Works');

      (32) `Yung Vilna un ir Svivah' (`Young Vilna and its Milieu');

      (33) `Shevet Tzion' (`The Return to Zion');

      (34) `Shabes un Voh in der Yiddisher Literatur' (`The Sabbath and the Weekdays in Yiddish Literature');

      (35) `Mussarnikes un Litvishe Yeshives' (`The Mussarists and the Lithuanian Yeshivas');

      (36) `Sholem Alaychem';

      (37) `Nusah Mizrah Evrope un Reb Isroel Baal`Shem'Tov' (`The Jewish Way of Life in Eastern Europe and Rabbi Israel Baal`Shem'Tov');

      (38) `Reb Isroel Salanter un Reb Isroel Baal`Shem'Tov' (`Rabbi Israel Salanter and Rabbi Israel Baal`Shem'Tov');

      (39) `Der Talmudhokem in der Yiddisher Literatur' (`The Talmudic Scholar in Yiddish Literature');

      (40) `Di Haskore in Vilner Shtot Shul nohn Ger-Tzadik, Graf Potocki' (`The Memorial Service at the Grand Synagogue of Vilna for the Convert, Count Potocki');

      (41) `Dr. Shmuel Ravidovitch un zayn Philasophia fun Yiddishen Kium Umetum' (`Dr. Samuel Ravidovitch and his Philosophy of the Jewish Life Worldwide');

      (42) `Dr. Shmuel Ravidovich un zayn Kamf farn Yiddishen Kium Umetum' (`Dr. Samuel Ravidovich and his Struggle for the Jewish Life Worldwide');

      (43) `Zaynen di Yiddishe Shrayber in Sovet Russland Geven Marranen?' (`Were the Yiddish Writers in Soviet Russia Marranos?');

      (44) `Reb Yehudah Ibn Shmuel Dr. Kaufman' (`Rabbi Jehudah Ibn Samuel Dr. Kaufman');

      (45) `Shir-HaShirim--a Liebe-Lied, a Natzional Gezang un Mistishe Poeme' (`The Song of Songs--A Love Song, a National Hymn and a Mystical Poem') lecture and essay;

      (46) `Tzfas un der Barg Miron' (`Saffed and Mount Miron') lecture and essay;

      (47) `Mentshen, Shtayner un Flantzen in Eretz-Isroel' (`The People, the Stones and the Greening of Israel') lecture and essay;

      (48) `Mit Vos Vilna Iz Geven Andersh?' (`What Made Vilna Unique?');

      (49) `Histadruth';

      (50) `Yiddish Lebn in Vilna far der Zvayter Velt Melhome' (`Jewish Life in Vilna Before World War II') alternate title is `Yiddish Folk lebn un Traditzie in der Lite' (`Jewish Folk-Life and Tradition in Lithuania');

      (51) `Di Naye Hebreishe Literatur un der Yunger Dor in Isroel' (`The New Hebrew Literature and the Young Generation in Israel');

      (52) `Di Ibergeblibene' (`The Survivors');

      (53) (`To the Survivors of the German Concentration Camps, World Federation of Bergen-Belsen, Associations');

      (54) `Drayssik Yor Shpeter' (`Thirty Years Later');

      (55) `Der Bodn un di Legende fun Eretz-Isroel,' (`The Soil and the Legend of the Land of Israel');

      (56) `Di Letzte Mahlaykes tzvishn Rabonim in Vilna' (`The Last Controversies Among the Rabbis of Vilna');

      (57) `Amerikaner Yiddishe Poetn, Morris Rosenfeld, Avrohom Reisen, Walt-Lessin un Mani Leib', (`American Yiddish Poets, Morris Rosenfeld, Avrohom Reisen, Walt-Lessin un Mani Leib');

      (58) Any other works of Chaim Grade, however created, whether pubished or unpublished.

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